Chapter Twenty Two : Revealed To Be

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Oliver's POV:

I sat the end of the Gryffindoor table with some friends, finding myself being pulled in and out of daydreams. I picked at the food on my plate, not hungry enough to give a crap about it, but occasionally taking a bite.

In order to maintain a healthy muscle mass, I needed to eat more than the normal intake. And with the upcoming games, I needed to take as much as I could get.

My mind seemed to be everywhere at the moment, between classes and the upcoming games, it was clear I was all over the place. Or not in it at all, as Katie snapped her fingers in face once more to pull me out of my trans.

She shook her head, not even so much as looking at me as she got back to the food on her plate. I stared down and mine and took another quick bite.

My eyes flicked over towards Y/n, who sat beside her friends and was trying her best to hide her laugh at something Lee had said. I probably would have never, ever admitted it to anyone but myself in the moment but, spirits, she had a pretty laugh.

And I hated myself for not being able to look away.

Her head was leaning back slightly as the sound of pure joy escaped her. Her teeth shone as she finally let go and smiled, the corners of her lips turning up into a stunning grin - her eyes sparkling.

That's the laugh, I silently thought.

"Oi, mate," Percy interuppted, "who are you staring at?"

"No-one," I responded with a little too quickly, stopping in there in hopes of not accidentally blabbing something that could make my friends even more suspicious than they already where.

"Uh, it's Y/n! Obviously."

Percy and I both stared at Penelope, or Pen as we called her, with the same shocked expression.


"Since when does Oliver like Y/n?"

"Oliver, you can't honestly believe you where able to hide your biggest crush yet on your best friends," Penelope continued.

"Well, for your information, I didn't know."

Pen shot Percy a look, rolling her eyes. "Percy, that's not a brag."

"I do not like Y/n." I responded to her previous statement, appalled that she would even suggest it.

Besides, it wasn't as if she would ever like me back. The most she could do was tolerate me for at most an hour or two. Not that I blamed her. 

"Oliver, cut the crap. You're terrible when it comes to secrets, especially crushes."

"I do not have a crush!"

"Whatever you say."

"No, no, not whatever I say - it's just whatever! You know what?! Nevermind," I grumbled as I finally shoved another pieces of food in my mouth, fired up with enough frustration to be able to take another bite.

Complete bullshit.


Y/n's POV:

I huffed and puffed as I lent against my broom for support, taking a few deep breaths. One second to take a break. One second to breathe. That's all I needed.

"Again," I then told myself.

I got back on my broom, racing to the other end of the Quidditch pitch and back, slowly accelerating in speed. I was getting slower by everything lap, which in hindsight could be because I was pushing myself too far, but I didn't care. I just kept going, pushing myself to the brink.

I had needed to get faster, I needed to be quicker. It was already hard enough when we where a day away from going up against Ravenclaw, but now Gryffindoor had a young prodigy on their team - so now the odds where most definitely not in my favour. Especially when the Slytherin team and Harry Potter himself where gifted the best brooms of the season.

I think it was safe to say my team and I where screwed.

Having later decided to grab the snitch out for some quick catching practice, I whipped my head around as I heard a faint buzzing by my ear. I soon spotted the golden globe whizzing away in the air. And yet, after a few more failed attempts, I quickly saw my opportunity. It had paused for a second. A second, but a second none the less.

I tightened the grip on my broom, racing after the golden snitch with incredible speed. But just as I was about to pull my hands out to catch it, I heard an unmistakable voice jolt me out of my thoughts.

"Better keep an eye out, Y/n/n! Don't want you missing that."

I grumbled as the snitch fled, loosing the one opportunity I had to grab it. I glared down at the person who had decided to try talking to me mid game, and paused.

Quickly hopping down from my broom as I landed, I lent against it for a little support and smiled, "hey, Ced."

I hadn't seen him much these past few days. He didn't sit with me at lunch anymore, instead back with his old mates, and completely stopped offering me to hang out anymore. It was confusing.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Was about to go practice myself, but saw you here and thought I might say hello." He responded.

"Oh, I replied, "well it's nice to see you. We've just been missing eachother these past few days huh?"


I huffed at his simple response, and internally groaned.

"Okay," I heaved, giving up any and all plans of hoping this would pass, "what is going on with you?! You been acting weird for weeks and you won't tell me anything!"

Cedric stopped in his tracks, turning to stare at me in utter surprise. He was not expecting that.

I looked him dead in the eye, shooting him a look of complete seriousness and slight intimidation. It was one of the few things I had inherited from my mother. And it was very effective.

Cedric sighed, finally admiting defeat.

"Listen..." He began, "I know, you probably don't even like me back, and honestly it would even matter because my Dad wouldn't allow it but-"

His eyes darted up to see my eyes slightly widened, and mouth slightly wide open in a gape. He avoided my gaze with a glance back at his shoes. "I like you. Like, really like you. But... it wouldn't work. My Dad's breathing down my neck, telling me that I can't be in a relationship and need to focus on my work- and you're my best friend, Y/n. I couldn't do that to you."


I gulped. "Uhm... it's okay," I spoke, my voice oddly quieter than usual, "I uh- knew that. About the thing with you Dad. It's why I didn't want to tell you... that I felt the same way."

His head shot up to look at me once more, "w-what? You uh- you like me back?" He stammered.

I hesitantly nodded, and his short look of happiness soon dispersed. "I'm sorry," I said again.

"Don't worry about it, I get it!" I waved him off," your Dad's just wanting you to focus on your work. So maybe..." I paused, "just being friends would be good?"

A smile soon brightened on his face. "Yeah," he nodded, "I'd like that."

"Friends," I said, placing out a hand for him to shake.

"Friends," he repeated but his face turned into a playful scowl when I pulled my hand away and snickered.

"You're such a child," he laughed, and I could tell that things where finally back to the way they where always ment to be.

A/n: Hey guys!

As I few of you may have seen, I accidentally published this and other chapter before it was even finished lmao

Sorry about that, but here's the real deal! Alot has happened and I hope you guys enjoyed it :) Y/n's first Quidditch game will be next.

I plan to publish it sometime next week, (I hope).

See you guys soon and I hope you all have a great week/weekend <33

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