Chapter One : A True Friend

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Y/n's POV:

~ 4 years after Prologue ~

The sun had arisen past the many clouds in the sky, shining through the small cracks not concealed by the curtain covering the window. But as the sun grew brighter and the day began, the curtains where harshly drawn back and I was shaken awake from my sleeping state.

"For Merlin's sake Y/n get up! You'll miss Breakfast again if you don't!" A voice rung.

I almost imidiently shot up out of bed as the words escaped their lips. I practically ran around my dorm, scrambling to find my robes before dashing to the bathroom to get changed.

"I knew that was what would wake you up." Lynn chuckled. (Just so you are all aware, Lynn goes by they/ them so please try to be respectful of that in the comments).

They had learnt over the years of us being dorm-mates and friends, that if I wasn't woken up by something, I would sleep half the day away. And that if I was out, I was out cold.

One times in our second year, they had gotten so fed up with having to wake me up every single morning so they eventually decided to just let me sleep and wake up at my own accord.

Big mistake.

I ended up missing out on all my morning classes that day and had only just made it in time for Lunch when I had realised the time. Needless to say, my family wasn't impressed.

When I had finished getting ready, the last thing to do was sort out my mess of a head of hair. I had tried getting it up and out of my face by tying it back, but for some reason it just wasn't co-operating. I eventually decided to just let it down.

Lynn and I walked over to the Great Hall when we where both finished with getting ready and when we entered, Fred had already noticed us and waved us over to the Griffindoor table. We sat down. Me next to George, Lee to my left and Lynn directly across from me with Fred to their right.

"So Lynn, how exactly did you manage to wake up Sleeping Beauty this morning? Did you drench her in ice water again?" Fred asked.

"Actually Freddie, I didn't have to this time. All I had to do was tell her she'd be late for Breakfast if she didn't get up imidiently and she practically sprung out of bed. And I think I learnt my lesson from last time to not throw water on her while she's sleeping." They laughed.

"Sounds about right." He chuckled.

"Hey George," I turned to him, "When do Quidditch tryouts start again this year?" I asked.

"For Hufflepuff? No clue, you might have to ask Oliver Wood that. He's the one who knows everyone's tryout times off by heart, not me." George shrugged.

"Yeah that's not going to happen. I don't have the time nor the energy to deal with that idiot today. I'll just ask Cedric later." I said rather irritably.

"What happened between you two anyway? We're you super close first year?" Lee asked.

"Oh it's nothing, I'd just rather not get into it." I brushed it off.

They both shrugged and dropped the subject, knowing from personal experience that they wouldn't get the answer out of me one way or another.

"Oh honestly you two, can you stop flirting for two seconds!" George said directly to Lynn and Fred.

They both blushed furiously, staring at the floor in an attempt to avoid eye contact. Both Lee and I started laughing at thier blushing faces while George nudged Fred suggestively in the shoulder and smirked.

"He's right though." Lee added, "You two clearly have feelings for eachother, it's so bloody obvious. Honestly, if you don't get together soon I might just walk up to Snape and get him to hex me into oblivion!" This sent the three of us into histerics, receiving sidewards glances from the people on our table.

"For Merlin's sake you guys, nothing is going on between us! Y/n you know me, I would go for someone like Fred. He's one of my best friends!" Lynn said.

"Uh huh...and what's 'someone like Fred' supposed to mean?" Fred asked them teasingly.

"It's not- I mean I didn't mean it like that I just...uhm..." They started to stutter profusely and fumble over their words.

"Relax love, I'm only kidding." Fred chuckled, bringing his arm around their shoulders in a sort of akward-side-hug. But this only brought Lynn to become more flustered at the contact.

"H-hey Y/n, what's you first class for today?" They asked me.

"Oh I think it's History of magic and then Charms, why?" I asked.

"Ok, I'll walk with you to class then." They ignored my question, got quickly out of Fred's grasp and stood up to grab their bag.

"Uh...sure? Then I'll see you guys in DADA!" I called back to the boy's as Lynn dragged me outside into the Hallway by my arm.

"Ok I'm walking with you to class but I do not plan on getting embarrassed by you again today!" They said, letting go of my arm and walking by my side with my to the classroom.

"Fine, but next time wait until I've finished eating!" I grumbled.

"Ok ok and don't worry, I'll sneak you some more food before lunch so you don't starve to death." They chuckled.

"You're a true friend." I laughed.

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