Chapter Seven : Recovery Period

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TW: mentions of injury and pain medicine

Y/n's POV:

Madame Pomfrey had insisted on keeping me in the Hospital Wing for the next three days, in order to keep an eye on my injuries and make sure they didn't somehow worsen. Thankfully, that didn't seem to be the case but my parents hadn't let it go. After finding out what had happened and giving me a head-in for fighting a 10 foot ton Troll, my mother had stormed over to Dumbledoor's office and demanded an explanation.

She said the only reason she'd even let me go to this school in the first place was because it was known to have the best security in the Wizarding World and she couldn't fathom how the school could had let a Troll just slip in. She'd really given Dumbledoor a run for his money, according to my Dad, and had threatened to sue him. And even though her anger was very justified, she had to be calmed down.

Professor McGonagall had eventually stepped in, and sided with my parents. She had also had a go at Dumbledoor, but not after personally promising to get the school more thoroughly checked out. She explained how she was planning on looking through the school to find out how the Troll could have gotten in and getting it fixed. And she also said she'd be adding more security and was going to start this next term. This reassurance is what helped my Mum calm down fully, and knowing the security would be fixed very soon and that Felix and I would be safe here.

It was maybe three or so days after the incident, and I was laying in the same Hospital bed peacefully reading. It was a Muggle book my Dad had gifted me for my birthday. He knew I really liked to read, so when he found a book titled 'Anne of Great Gables' at a bookshop, he had brought it almost immediately. It wasn't what I normally read, but I loved it nonetheless.

The whole idea of an academic enemies to lovers intrigued me. That two people who genuinely hated eachother at the begining of the book could fall in love was cool to think about, but nothing that could happen in real life. But maybe that was what got me to love it in the first place. Knowing that someone saw all the bad sides of you first but still fell in love with you regardless? I wanted that.

"Y/n, someone's here to see you!" Madame Pomfrey called out, interuppting my train of thought

"Who is it?" I asked, harshly pulling back the curtains that surrounded my hospital bed. I smiled when I saw a red-headed boy with glasses. "Hey Perce, good to see you."

"Hey Y/n/n, how are you holding up?" He asked kindly.

"Good. Thankfully it was only a couple of bruises - nothing drastic. But my parents didn't take it so well, but that was to be expected." I replied. "What about you?"

"Good. But uh, Y/n..." He began.

"What is it? Is everything ok?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah but someone else is here to see you too." He mumbled apologetically.

I raised in eyebrow in question, wondering what he ment, when I spotted someone standing close behind him. The familiar chestnut brown hair, the bright Gryffindoor Quidditch uniform and the same brown eyes to could already guess who it was.

I grimaced. "What is he doing here?"

"He's here to apologize." Percy answered.

"What? No I'm not." Oliver complained. Percy sent him a death glare in return.

"If you're here to boast about something, Wood, I don't want to hear it." I crossed my arms, regretting it instantly as a sharp pain shot across my chest. I inhaled sharply, moving my hands to my sides.

"You ok?" Oliver asked, very concerned.

"I'm fine, it's just some bruised ribs." I shook it off." Can you pass me the pain medicine on the side table please, Percy?" I asked.

"I'll do it." Oliver interuppted, just as Percy was about to grab the tablets himself. He grabbed the packet and handed it so me along with a glass of water.

I hesitantly took them. "Why are you being so nice?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't exactly... kind to you either." He said.

"You got that right." I scoffed.

"What he's trying to say is... He's sorry." Percy responded.

"I'm sorry Perce, but that's not good enough. I want to hear it from him." I pointed to Oliver.

He groaned. "Do you have to be so bloody difficult?!"

"Do you have to be such an arse?!" I retorted.

"Ok that's enough!" Percy interjected. "Can you two cut it out? You're acting like children."

"I am sorry for yelling, but no. Wood needs to apologize properly if he ever wants me to let this go. And if he's not going to, then you can both leave. I've got work to catch up on." I replied.

Oliver sighed. "I'm sorry. I was being insensitive, it's something I'm working on. I promise to do better. And to show you that I mean it..." He grimaced. "I'm letting some of the spots go."

I was shocked to say the least, but very thankful at the same time. It took alot to get Oliver to apologize, because of just how stubborn he was, and it was nice to know he actually ment it. "Thank you." I smiled.

"But this doesn't make up friends again!" He added.

I rolled my eyes. "You just had to ruin the moment!"

"There wasn't any moment!" He exclaimed.

"Ok, yeah we've got to go now." Percy interuppted before another fight could break out. "See you in Potions, Y/n."

"See you then Perce." I smiled, waving them goodbye. Oliver trailed off behind him, not bothering to return the wave with one of his own.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the curtain back. I caught sight of my book that I had begun reading earlier, and picked it up. An enemies to lovers... how fascinating.

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