Chapter Nine : How Odd

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The next few days where spent deep in thought, constantly racking my brain for explanations towards Oliver's behaviour. He had acting weird again. Just this morning, he'd waved at me. Yes, Oliver Benjamin Wood had waved at me. What was up with him? This wasn't like him at all. Normally it was all ignoring eachother and insults but... He wasn't doing the usual that.

Sometimes, there'd be days where he act as though I didn't exist and then others where he'd act all friendly towards me. I wasn't getting a straight answer from the guy and it was stressing me out like crazy. I didn't know how to go about this, seeing as I didn't have many classes with him and not seeing him in the Halls often - and even then when we did we didn't do more than ignore eachother.

So I instead attempted to get my mind off of it, trying to otherwise focus on my studies and the strange new crush I was developing on Cedric.

I don't know how it had happened. We'd been friends for a while and I'd never even thought about him in that way. I'd always scoff as I walked with him in the hallways, noticing all the guys and girls fauwning over him for no apparent reason. I think Cedric had also begun to realise this, but didn't bring it up. He didn't intend to become the new 'boy toy' of the school or lead anyone on. He had instead opted to continue being nice towards everyone but only to focus on his studies like his father had intended for him. And that ment, no relationships.

I think it was one of the things I admired the most about him actually. How he didn't become frustrated or angry with anyone fawning over him, or even asking him out - unless they where invading personal boundaries of course. He'd remained the sweet and innocent boy as before.

But it was also something I worried about the most, just being seen as another person having a hopeless crush on him. And I didn't want him to cast me aside or become any less friends with me because of it, even though I knew he wouldn't do that. It was the fear that held me back from telling him how I felt. Although Lynn thought differently about the whole situation.

"Can't you just suck it up and tell him already?" They said, bringing it up randomly at Dinner one day.

I dropped my fork in my plate with a clang to follow. "How can I? The guy has zero interest in me, I might aswell be another fan girl to him." I replied.

"You guys have been friends for years, you having a small crush on him wouldn't make him think lowly of you. And whether he feels the same or not doesn't really matter, his father won't let him date anyone until he's at least 17. I think maybe just admitting it to him will get things out in the open and help you move on." They grinned at their own wisdom, taking another bite from their sausage roll.

I sighed. "You're right, of course you're right. I've got to move on."

"Of course I'm right, everybody should listen to me all the time about everything." They held their chin up proudly.

"Ok, I wouldn't go that far." I laughed.

"Oi!" They faked anger.

I remained still with a stoned expression on my face, attempting to stop myself from laugh before letting a small snort loose. This was enough to send Lynn into histerics, who then set me off. We where both now roaring with laughter, turning a few unfortunate heads.

Stopping for a second to catch my breath, I let out a sigh. "You need to stop making me laugh like a crazy woman." I smiled.

"No happening." They grinned.

"Cheers." I laughed, clanking my glass of orange juice with their apple spice and taking a sip.

"You know, you never actually told me what happened with Bruno." I had said.

"Oh! Right." They remembered.

Bruno was a short and sweet neighborhood boy Lynn had grown up with. He was usually seen with his dark curly hair falling in front of his face, slightly covering his hooked nose and distinctive brown eyes. We'd met a couple times before when I'd visited Lynn in Scotland. I remembered him for having such an obvious crush on Lynn, but it wasn't as if they'd ever picked up on it. They where too oblivious to their attractiveness and others infatuations to ever do anything about it. It was also the reason them and Fred never went out, they never truly believed that he liked them.

"We want out for some coffee during the Summer." They replied almost too simply.

I had a confused look on my face. "Like as a date or...just as friends." I asked.

"Good Merlin Y/n, it's not like that. I've told you already." They huffed defensevily.

I leaned back against my chair with my arms crossed, not trusting what they said for a second. "Fine. But for the record, I don't believe a single word that just came out of your mouth."

They sighed, getting back to the food still in their plate. And do did I. It almost felt as if everyone had been acting weird around me lately, like they where hiding things from me. First Oliver and now Lynn. Lynn who told me everything about everyone in their life. Even the bad stuff. It hurt to see so obviously that they where hiding something. But I knew not to push it, waiting for them to hopefully tell me sooner or later.

"Hey." A voice chirped, sitting down next to me.

I tried around and smiled. "Oh, hey Cedric. How'd the Herbology exam go?"

"Brutal." He sighed. "Professor Sprout asked us questions about things we where never even taught!"

"Ugh you're kidding. That's so annoying! Lynn and I have got it next." I said.

"I'm sure you'll do fine." He smiled, gently placing his hand on my shoulder but pulled it away quickly as if he'd just realized what he'd done. I only wish he'd held it there for a second longer.

"Uh...thank you. And you too. You studied like crazy, I'm sure you'll pass."

"But that's the thing, I can't just pass. My Dad wants me to exell." He recited. "I need to get at least an O to make sure he's pleased with my scores."

I gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry your Dad's like that, it's not ok."

"I know but there's not much I can do about it." Shrugging, he slung back on his bag and said, "I've got to go. Muggle Studies is next and I need to work especially hard on this one."

"No worries, good luck!" I said, waving him goodbye.

Lynn just sat back and stared at me. "You're not ever going to get over him are you?" They responded.

I pressed my lips together in frustration, realising they where right. "Nope."

A/n: Hi everyone! It's good to be back and upload another chapter.

I realise how long it's been so I'm sorry for not updating as regularly as I probably should - my life has been pretty hectic recently. But either way, I'll hopefully be updating more than I have. Plus, happy new year everyone!

Happy late Holidays everyone and have a great week <33

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