Chapter Two : Guess Who

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A/n: I am really sorry this took so long, but here you go! I'll be trying my best to publish more btw 😅

Y/n's POV:

After my last class of the morning, I was walking to the Great Hall for Lunch when I spotted Cedric walking peacefully by himself a couple meters away. I remembered the conversation I had had with George that morning about the Hufflepuff Quidditch tryouts and decided to take this opportunity to ask him about it.

"Hey Ced!" I called, walking quickly to catch up to him.

"Oh hey Y/n! Come to ask when the tryouts are?" He asked me.

"Ah, you know me too well Diggory. That was exactly what I was going to ask you." I replied. Even though Cedirc and I weren't close, we still always had this playful banter between us and I was happy to consider him a friend.

"Well Miss Y/l/n, since you must know so desperately, I asked McGonagal about it this morning and she said ours starts right after the last lesson of the day." He responded.

I was about to open my mouth to protest, but he interrupted me quickly, knowing exactly what I was going to say. "And before you get mad and tell me it's too early, I know. But Wood booked almost all the times for his team so Slytherin and Ravenclaw had to wait until next week when Andrew took this spot. We'll just have to wait two weeks to get more practice times." He shrugged, non-chalantly.

"He what?!" I raised my voice dangerously high.

"Y/n please take a deep breathe, it's not a big deal-" He tried to reason but I quickly shut him down.

"No Cedric, it is not ok! This is the last straw. He's acting as if Griffindoor is the only important team and the only ones who 'deserve' practice." I continued on. "He does this all the time and I am sick and tired of staying away from the situation because, frankly, it's not going to get sorted unless I do. Dumbledoor is so biased he wouldn't listen to me even if he could and who else is going to do it?! I'm all ears!" I crossed my arms across my chest angrily.

"I get that Y/n but please think before you do anything-" I stormed off before he could finish.

"-supid." He sighed.


"Oh he's bloody in for it this time!" I muttered harshly under my breath. I knew exactly where to find him and when I did, he won't live to see tomorrow.

I walked past groups of people walking around aimlessly through the halls, ignoring their mutters and concerned eyes at my red hot rage. I shoved past the last couple of people, quickly apologizing after bumping into a second year and walked down the steps to the center of the Quidditch pitch.

I could see red robes flying in the sky and brown broomsticks up there aswell, when a familiar head of brown hair caught my eye. "Oliver Benjamin Wood you get your bloody arse down here right f*cking now!" I yelled up at him.

The team shot eachother a mixture of concerned and amused looks but Oliver just stopped their concerns away with a simple wave of the hand. He easily landed down on the ground with a thump.

I managed to quickly hear George mutter to Fred, "Uh oh, he's in trouble!" In a sing-song voice.

Fred responded with, "I bet you ten sickles she'll mess him up real good."

"I'll take that bet." He smirked triumphantly.

"What the actual hell Wood?! Taking up all the times of this week except one for just Griffindoor practice?? My god and I thought you couldn't stoop any lower!" I argued.

He didn't seem to be affected my my outburst what's so ever. "We desperately needed practice." He replied in a neutral tone that almost wanted me to gauge my eyes out.

"No, Wood. Stop trying to justify your discusting actions by some absolutely pathetic excuse! We have months before the first game even begins and you're taking almost all the spaces you can already?? Griffindoor is not the only bloody house at this school and you damn well know it! You're being prejudiced and unjustified!"

It seemed my words had finally caught up to him. Seeing the anger rise in his chest and flash in his brown eyes brought on an un-known fear but I didn't pay attention to it.

"Hey, you have no right to talk to me like that! If you don't understand that I'm trying to do what is best for my team then that's your problem, not mine!" He had also began to raise his voice.

"Oh my god you're just proving my point further and further!" I let out a histerically angry laugh. "All it ever was was your team, what you thought was best for them and no-one else's! And if you actually cared and listened to your team for once, you could finally realise what a horrible so called 'captain' you really are!"

I sighed. "You know what? Forget it." And with that, I spun back around and walked away.


I walked into the Great Hall and sat down next to Lee. I placed my head in my hands and sighed. I rubbed my eyes and quickly grabbed a plate, piling it up with food.

"You ok Y/n?" Lynn asked me causiously with a look of concern on their face.

"Not really no. I'm just in a bad mood because Oliver had decided today was the perfect day to piss me off." I argued.

"What did he do this time?" Lee asked.

"Oh you know, just decided to take almost all the slots for this week's Quidditch practices and tryouts, leaving only one which just so happens to be directly after a class for Hufflepuff and then making Ravenclaw and Slytherin wait until next week for theirs. And then trying to justify his actions by saying it's what's best for his team!" I rambled.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, it's not your fault or anything." I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands. "But I wasn't exactly the best either, I could have handled it better. I need to learn to let things go."

"That's good and while you do that, Lee and I came up with a great idea! We'll try to convince Fred and George to lend us the Maruders Map over the weekend so we can sneak off to Honeyduckes, how does that sound?" Lynn suggested.

"I don't know just yet, but thank you guys." A faint smile tugged on my lips. "But I've got to go get some homework done, I'll see you guys later."

"But aren't you going to finish-" They began.

"It's fine, I'll eat it later. I wasn't that hungry anyways." I shrugged and walked away.

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