Chapter Three : The Golden Boy

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⚠️ TW: small mention of physical abuse (but not to the MC don't worry) ⚠️

Y/n's POV:

It was finally the day of the long awaited Hufflepuff Quidditch tryouts and I couldn't be more ecstatic. I'd always wanted to play ever since I was little, and Seeker seemed to be the perfect position.

The only reason I wasn't allowed to play until this year, was all thanks to my mother. She saw the game as too dangerous and was worried about me playing it at such a young age. If I hadn't managed to convince her to let me play over the summer, I'd probably never been able to play.

And because my mother was so over protective of me, she barely have me any freedom to do anything even remotely dangerous and sheltered me. And as much as I loved her, it became annoying real quick.

The real reason my mother acted this way, was because she grew up as Cassandra Rossier, who's family was a part of the sacred 28. (A/n: I'm not 100% sure if that's accurate or not so don't count me on it) Her abusive upbringing caused her to be...well... overly cautious.

She loved me to death and didn't want any pain coming my way like she had experienced her entire childhood. But because of that, she'd never let me do anything. Once even making me quit cooking classes in fear that I would burn myself badly. And as much as I could see why she did it, it still annoyed me and didn't fix any problems I was having.

And during the last couple of weeks of Summer, I had finally snapped. I blew up in her face after she told me off for asking her and Dad if I could finally play Quidditch like I'd always wanted to. And I think me finally showing her her toxic behaviour, woke her up somehow. And she's agreed to let me tryout this year.

Back at school, the first lesson of the day had finally ended and I had spend out of the classroom the second the bell rang. I hurrily walked over to the Quidditch pitch where Cedric, some old and possibly new teammates and the captain - slash - beater of the Team, Andrew Walsh where already there.

He was a fairly strict Captain, making sure we practiced alot, getting us to arrive on time etc but he wasn't nearly as strict as Oliver Wood was. I'd once seen Wood make his team take 25 laps around the field on foot during the pooring rain as a warm up! And they all miraculously managed to get the flu the next day. My Merlin am I glad I'm in Hufflepuff, I thought.

"Alright everyone!" Andrew clapped his hands together to grab our attention. "Go and quickly get changed then I want 5 laps around the field on broom." The most of the team groaned in annoyance, hating the warm up they had to do before every practice but I was lucky to even get to tryout, so I kept my mouth shut.

Once I'd finished getting changed and as I was putting on my shoes, I realised I'd forgotten my Quidditch jumper in the wash. And I couldn't exactly play without it, the sky had just begun pouring ice cold rain outside.

I sighed. I'll figure something out, I thought and walked outside.

"Y/n where's your jumper? You'll freeze out here without it!" Cedric asked me as I walked outside in nothing but a white t-shirt and a pair of waterproof leggings.

"Uh yeah... I kinda forgot about it in the wash." I replied, rubbing my exposed arms in an attempt to keep warm.

"Then you can take mine. I have a spare just in case." He said, pulling off his jumper - therefore exposing a bit of his chest that I was definitely not focusing on - and handing it to me.

"A-are you sure? I don't-" I began, but he cut me off.

"Yes I'm sure, just take it and stop being so stubborn. Like I said, I have a spare one." He chuckled.

"Thanks Ced." I smiled, blushing like crazy and pulling the jumper over my head.

It was warm and freshly washed, noticeable by the fresh scent of linin still lingering. But I could also smell a mildly overwhelming scent of cotton, lemongrass and... daisies? I didn't know how else to describe it and I was a kind of weird combination but it reminded me strongly of him. It made me feel warm and comforted, even in the pouring rain.

Pulling me out of my daze, Cedirc returned with his spare jumper on and smiled at me. Andrew then called out name after name to tryout, before it was finally my turn.

I'm not going to lie, I was really nervous about possibly not getting on the team and especially when I had been working my arse off all Summer to work on improving my shooting. But I was confident enough in my skills to work hard. And it seems I was right, I had managed to score a few good scores past Andrew and play pretty well.

When my time was up, he congratulated me. "Good job Y/n. I can tell you worked really hard and it shows and I think you'd make a great asset to the team. Just need a little work on your aim and it'll be perfect." He said.

I smiled, filled with joy and quickly nodded to show him I understood and then flew back down to the ground by Cedric.

"You did so great Y/n!" He pulled me into a hug, one of which I immediately returned. The act of affection wasn't very surprising for Cedric. I'd known him for maybe two-three years now and I'd learnt he was the physically affectionate type. Especially when he was happy or exited.

"Thanks Ced, and you did great to! I mean, you totally smashed it!" I exclaimed. And I wasn't lying either. He had totally destroyed Andrew up there, managing to hit three goals past him in just five minutes. He was practically built to be a Chaser.

"Oh and thanks again for giving me your jumper, I'll give it back once I've washed it for you." I added.

"You don't need to...give it back I mean. You can keep it. Besides, it looks better on you." He smiled, giving me a quick wink.

I blushed, trying to hide my red stained cheeks by pulling the jumper over them, but I inevitably just ended up smiling to myself as Cedric walked away.

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