Chapter Ten : Results Day

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Y/n's POV:

And after my final class of the day, which had been Charms unfortunately for me, I exited it in the west wing of the school where the sudden hustle and bustle in the corner of a hallway had quickly caught my attention. The group of people causing this distress where crowded around a billboard in the hallway, a few accasionally dispersing out of the crowd in either celebration or annoyance.

I stepped closer to get a better look at what was going on, surprised to see the Weasley Twins along with Lee Jordan amongst the crowd. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Checking to see if we made it onto the team, duh." Fred spoke.

"And I'm here for emotional support." Lee chimed in.

"The list comes up today?!" I groaned.

"It's already up Y/n, did you fail to listen to us?" Fred added, pointing to the board as if I was being stupid.

"No, no I know that! I just thought today was Wednesday not Thursday already." I explained. "Wait- did you guys get in?" I asked.

"Well of course, we are the best players on the pitch you know." George smirked and Fred flicked his hair back dramatically. "We are the best of the best aren't we George?" He said. "Couldn't agree more Fred." George chorused.

I laughed. "I don't doubt it."

They had a pair of smug smiles on their faces. "I knew you secretly loved us."

I laughed again but then gasped in realisation. "Wait- did I get in? Did you guys see if I got in?"

Lee was about to open his mouth to say something but I quickly interuppted him. "Wait! No, sorry. Don't tell me. I want to find out myself."

I pushed past the crowd a little, managing to get close enough to glance at the piece of paper pinned to the billboard with the Hufflepuff insignia in the corner. I closed my eyes for a second, clasping my hands together and silently praying to Merlin that I got in and when I opened them, I gasped.

"What? What is it?" Lee asked desperately.

"You can't just gasp dramatically and not tell us anything!" George added on.

I stood there in shock for a second, not fully processing the own words written in black ink of the page. In the middle of the partially written on piece of crumbled white paper, was my name delicately written at the bottom.

Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n

"Well?" They asked again.

"I got in." I said in a hushed whisper, still not understanding what had just happened. And the boys where just as stunned as I was, if not more. "I got in!" I yelled this time. "I got on the team!" We all cheered in celebration, my friends hugging me tightly as I begun to smile brightly. My cheeks hurt a little, but I didn't care. I got on the team! All my hard work had finally payed off. But only after a few mere seconds of celebration, someone interuppted.

"Congrats smart-ass, looks like you're not as bad as you seem. Lucky for you the Captain must have forgotten his glasses when you signed up." I heard a voice say. I instantly felt a shiver run up my spine.

I turned on my heel, now face to face with my worst nemesis. Marcus Flint. I almost gagged at the sight on him. I hated him more than words could express, even more so then Wood. And that was saying something. "Flint." I grumbled.

"Come on Sugar, you know my name. Say it." He whispered. I shuddered. I hated his nickname for me more than anything, maybe even more than Snape. But again, that was saying something.

I resisted the urge to throw up, and held my place. Arms crossed in defence, a look so sharp it could cut glass. "Rot in Azkaban." I said.

He laughed. "Cute. But let's save your mouth for more useful things, shall we?"

The Twins quickly pulled me behind them, their rather protective nature for me shining through. "Take one more step Flint or we'll have to break your nose. Again." Fred glared.

Flint shrinked back a little in fear, but I could tell our conversation was far from over. "Just be warned Y/l/n, you'll have to play against us first. But don't worry, I'll make sure to visit you in the Hospital Wing." And with that, he left.

I let out a sigh when he did, my heart rate slowed a bit and my breathing became more steady. As much as I pretended and acted as if I wasn't, I was scared of him. I was truly scared of him. More so then I ever have been with anyone before. And I think that was what terrified me the most about him. Boy am I glad the twins where here, and Lee too. He was always there to comfort me, which I was definitely thankful for in moments like these.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks guys." I said to the Twins.

They nodded. "Let's get out of here."

"Sorry for not being able to stand up for you much Y/n." Lee mumbled.

"Hey no, it's alright. You're scared of him to, I am aswell you know. Plus, I knew if it came down to it you would protect me. And I would to." I smiled.

He nodded, mood lifted. "Ok then let's stop being so sad, you got on the team!" We all cheered again, arms in the air in celebration.

"What's going on here?" Lynn laughed.

"Lynn! Oh my gosh you'll never believe it." Lee chimed in. "Y/n got on the team!"

They turned to me, a goofy smile on their face. "Congrats Y/n. I'm proud of you."

I grinned. "Aww Lynn, you're such a cheese ball." I pulled them into a quick hug, and then pulled back again. Lynn never really was a cuddly person. But then their mood suddenly shifted again. "Did you guys see who the new mysterious Seeker is?" They asked.

We shook our heads. "Noo...why? Who is it?" We asked.

Lynn sighed. "You'll never bloody guess."

A/n: Hi guys! Good to see you again.

Sorry this chapter was a sort of boring one, but I needed to make it for some mild plot progression. Either way, did you guys have a good new year? I realise it's the last day of January when I'm asking this but oh well 😂

If you guys have any sort of suggestions for this story just let me know, I'd love to hear your guy's thoughts! Although I've already got a few pretty solid ideas sorted for what to do next ;)

Hope you have a great week/weekend <33

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