Chapter Twenty Three : It's Game Time

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up with a groan, just as I did every morning, shielding my eyes from the bright sun that cracked through the open window by my bed. I sat up with unwillingness, pulling the fluffy socks I wore higher up my feet and threw on a jumper to withstand the cold.

I begrudgingly trudged on over to the bathrooms where I got changed, brushed my teeth, and got ready for the day ahead of me. It didn't occur to me until I properly woke up minutes later.

Today was the day.

What day you may ask? My first Quidditch game of the Season. And I was ecstatic.

As the second Lynn walked into the room after having gotten changed themselves, I practically leaped at them as they jumped back in shock.

"What exactly has gotten into you?" They asked.

"You've forgotten?" I was appalled, "today's my first Quidditch match before the Christmas Holidays!"

"Oh, right."

My eyebrows furrowed together at their tone, wondering what had suddenly dampened their mood. They would have normally been more exited for me. But I decided to shrug it off for today, being simply too exited.

"See you at the game!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down once before running on over to the Great hall for Breakfast.


I shoveled my food down at record speed, finally coming up for air as I excitedly rambled on about the game to The Twins and Lee. "Can you believe it?" I exclaimed, forcing more food down my throat, "the days finally here!"

And thankfully, my friends where equally as exited as I was. "I know!" Lee was running a mile a minute, "this is so exciting! And I get to commentate it all."

"I can't wait, Y/n."

"Yeah, you're going to be great."

I smiled the three, feeling my heart warm with their kind words. Especially when it came from the Twins, who weren't usually so sappy.

"Thanks you guys," I smiled at them appreciatively, feeling my eyes drift on over towards someone else at the other end of the table. And to my surprise, it was Oliver.

He to was sitting with his friends, clearly rambling on about Quidditch, and completely overjoyed. And I couldn't help but smile a little at seeing him so happy.

I then got back to my food, forcing down another mouthful or two before heading off, wishing my friends a quick goodbye.


"Diggory, Y/l/n, you're next in line!" Andrew ordered, and I awkwardly found my way to Cedric's side.

Andrew was lining us up for our entrance, which may have been as strategically planned as our actual game, and I was stuck next to Cedric. 

Things between him and I where still a little awkward, we stopped sitting at eachother's tables all together, me at the Gryffindoor table with my friends and he as the Hufflepuff table with his. We still found other ways to hang out though.

I elbowed him lightly in the arm, "good luck Diggory. Just make sure not to breathe in my dust."

He let out a clearly sarcastic laugh, a small smile creeping into his lips, "wouldn't dream of it."

And then, it was our signal to fly in. I heard people cheer us on from all different stands, but most especially from the Hufflepuff's and the Gryffindoor's, where my friends sat in the crowd. I took this as I chance to wave, and smiled as I heard Lee's voice come from the intercom.

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