Chapter Eleven : Sweet Betrayal

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Y/n's POV:

Angrily picking at my food, I didn't bother looking up, already knowing who had just sat down infront of me. "Heyy Y/n." Fred nervously chuckled.

I glared at him at him, looking back down at my plate and deliberately scraping the knife hard against it as I cut my pancake in half. Fred winched. "Look, I'm sorry we didn't tell you. But in our defense, we knew this is how you where going to react which is why we didn't tell you!" He tried to explain. Lynn face palmed at his stupidity.

"I get why you didn't tell me. I'm just upset that I had to find out from Lynn - who had only just found it out themselves when they told me. Maybe if you told me earlier that I was up against fucking Harry Potter of all people, I would have had more time to prepare. Now I'm only months away from defeat. So yeah, you're right. I'm sorry."

George sighed. "Look, we are genuinely sorry. You're right, we should have told you but we weren't the ones who put Harry Potter on the team. That was all Oliver and McGonagall's doing." I visibly stiffened at the mentioned of Oliver's name, but kept my mouth shut as George continued to explain.

"We where just scared to tell you because we knew you'd freak out. But we'll promise to tell you next time if anything like this happens again." George said, alot better than his brother did may I add.

I look a deep breath. "Yeah, I know. I get that. And I guess I'm sorry too. I shouldn't be freaking out about it so much."

The Twins nodded. "There ya go."

"Good. Now that that's sorted, can I finish my pancakes?" Lynn pointed down at their plate using their knife.

I laughed. "Yeah go ahead."

Lynn happily grabbed the maple syrup from their left and began pouring it all over their pancakes. For some reason, they where obsessed with maple syrup, but not that any of us ever complained about it. Fred had tried his best attempt at a joke just as Lynn began to eat and while the rest of of cringed at what a horrible Dad joke it was, Lynn laughed at it. They both shared the weirdest sense of humour. I laughed a bit. Those two really where made for eachother.

"Hey." I heard another voice say, sitting down in the only free seat left - which had just happened to be to my right.

I glared at Lynn, now realising why they hadn't sat next to me. "Hi Cedric." They grinned, looking at me with a smug smile on their face.

I shot them one last look, turning to Cedric and smiling. "Hi Cedric. How was DADA?"

He shrugged. "It was alright. I managed to pass it and the rest of my classes thankfully, but I'm going to need to do some extra work for Herbology to get an O."

"You know, Y/n's pretty good at Herbology. Maybe she can help you out." Lynn suggested.

I turned back to them, eyes dangerously wide. "Lynn!" I angrily whispered through gritted teeth.

Cedric smiled politely. "No it's alright, I'm sure Y/n's pretty busy."

Oh. I see how I fucked up.

I whipped my head back around. "No, no it's ok! I can help you." I smiled. "It's cool."

He smiled again, this time genuinely. "Thanks Y/n, you free tomorrow at 3:00?" I nodded.

"Awesome! See you then." He got up to leave and I waved him a quick goodbye.

But he second he had left, I turned back around and looked Lynn directly in their eyes. I held up my knife and pointed it at them threateningly. "You're dead meat Lynn Thomas!"

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