Chapter Thirty Four : To Fuel The Fire

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Hi guys >:P

This is your last chance to strap in and prepare yourselves. Because as you can see by the length of this chapter, some shit is about to go down *maniacal laughter*


Y/n's POV:

"Ow! Spirits." Lynn groaned, rubbing a hand over a sore spot on their neck. "Again?"

"Well if you would stop panicking and sit still," I grabbed them by the shoulders, forcefully pushing back down in to their seat, "I wouldn't accidentally burn you."

Being as gentle and as careful as possible, I wrapped another strand of their hair over my magically warmed wand. After a few seconds I untwisted it and sectioned it out of the way.

They sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just so nervous. I feel sick."

"It's fine. Just stay far away from the fire whiskey and you'll be okay."

They snorted. "Like Dumbledore would ever serve fire whisky."

"But the boys might."

We laughed.


"Oh, I'm sorry." I cringed.

Lynn grabbed a brown jar from the table, rubbing the salve into the effected area. It was gone within seconds.

Merlin, bless Madame Pomfrey.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done." Swiping some hair over their shoulder, I turned to the other side, setting down the heat just a tad before sectioning the rest of Lynn's hair.

Lynn already had naturally curly hair, it was always so voluminous and soft, though a tad crazy looking. In my mind, it suited them perfectly. But for tonight, they dared to try something new.

In order to achieve a much more styled, simple beach wave - we first had to straighten. I was glad we have the luxury of using magic while at Hogwarts, because otherwise that process would have taken a lot longer. Though it made it quite a change to go back to Muggle life sometimes.

Lynn phewed. "I really hope Eliot and I'll get along."

"Why wouldn't you get along?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know him that well - I don't know how boring he could be! I mean, what if he thinks the Chudley Cannons are better than the Holyhead Harpies?!"

I tried my best to be supportive, I really did. But all I could think was, Lynn and Fred? Match made in heaven.

My head shook. "I'm sure he won't. And if he does, then he's just wrong. Holyhead Harpies are way better. That's just common sense."

"I know but," they sighed, "he could be an absolute dud! What if he's, I don't know, really into beatles or something?"

"Would that be so bad?"

They paused. "Well I don't think it would work out between us. Bugs freak me out."

Appreciating their bluntness, I laughed. "That's fine. It'll all work out. And even if he is a dud, a complete idiot who only likes beatles," I shrugged, "then you'll do better. You'll find someone. Someone that compliments you."

"Someone that compliments me?"

"Yeah," I shrugged, "someone that likes the same kind of things you like. Someone that... reads the same kind of books or plays the same sports or someone who listens to the same kind of music. Someone compatible."

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