Chapter Twenty Eight : Here Once More

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Y/n's POV:

The next few days flew by like seconds. The beginning of February was just a week away, and with it came new events.

For starters, the Ravenclaw Vs Gryffindoor match, which had happened just after the new year. Everyone, including myself, had joined in to watch it happen. But unfortunately for Ravenclaw, Gryffindoor was no match. They had kicked ass during the game, and left Ravenclaw eating their dust. Meaning, that our team would be next to go against Gryffindoor.

And I was nothing but a nervous wreak.

Chewing on my bottom lip as I scanned the pages of my textbook, I tapped my pen against the pages, accidently smearing some ink across it. I groaned, casting a quick cleaning spell to remove it before dipping my pen in some more ink.

But of course, this wasn't the only thing I was nervous about.

It was time for my first ever touring session with Oliver, and I was rolling my eyes at the thought. Our last interaction was- confusing to say the least. And I couldn't wrap my head around why I had felt so weird ever since it. One simple, easy smile and my senses where thrown completely of balance!

I was one hour. One hour a week that I could surely manage, and yet... my body seemed to be betraying me.

I had been dealing with a churning stomach all morning and had barely touched my food because of it, which only got me more upset seeing as today they where serving croissants again. I had missed out on the best food known to man for what? Some stupidly simple nerves?

Complete and utter boliks.

But I had quickly decided to not let these newly developing feelings take away from my few moments of freedom, and instead chose to shove them so far down they formed in a pit inside my stomach. That was something I had at least some control over.

The rest of my day was spent with friends, helping Lee with his homework and placing bets, letting Lynn sleep in for probably the first time in their lives, and pulling some pranks with the Twins. Lee had not wanted to join.

We where mid preparations, charming a now invisible bucket of slime into the air as a poor unsuspecting Slytherin walked by when my thoughts began to wander.

Ever since the Holidays, I had felt almost lighter - as if my feet where no longer touching the ground and I was souring through the sky, wind in my back.

I was taken back to my first time on a Quidditch field, naturally kept a secret from my Mum, with the Weasley's. I had felt almost the same way as I did them to. Limitless.

What I had done wasn't easy, neither was flying on a broom for the first time, but opening up to Lynn had lifted this huge weight of my chest and it made me feel like I was up in the air again. Sure, I hadn't poured out my entire heart and soul out them yet - especially with each of our current situations - but our talk had really done us some good.

I had convinced Lynn to fill their parents in on what had happened, none of the nitty gritty details, but still something. They had agreed to let them see a Muggle therapist, hoping that this would relieve some of the pain they had been holding inside for so long.

And I in turn had learnt something to that, unfortunately, came to me the hard way. Life was precious, and as cheesy as it sounded, it only happened once. So I sure as hell wasn't going to waste it by letting my body rot away just for a win against Ravenclaw in a simple game.

Quidditch definitely was a passion of mine, but it wasn't everything.

Then a clock in the corner suddenly chimed, and pulled my straight out of my haze of thoughts. I was back in class, a few minutes after people had already begun to leave. Right in the middle of testing out some no-nose nobblies Fred and George had been tampering with for their joke shop, I eventually decided to check up on the time.

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