Chapter Seventeen : An Accident

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Y/n's POV:


Could my life get any worse than this?

It was bad enough that Flint was threatening me, practically promising to injure me when we have to play against eachother for the next game of the season, and now - now this?! Did I do something wrong in a past life? What did I do to deserve this?

"This cannot be happening!" I whined, throwing my head down on the desk and sighed pityfully.

Lynn pulled the book out from underneath my head and closed it shut. "You need to relax, Y/n. Whining isn't going to get you anywhere."

"But I mean- another exam? What is Snape trying to do, kill us?" Taking the book from Lynn to put back on the shelves, I stood up and attempted to scan the library for more Potions books.

"Can he even do that? I thought exam week was over by now." Lee asked, coming back to the table with his own stack of study supplies.

"Dunno." Lynn shrugged. "I guess it's punishment everyone failing the last exam."

"I really don't know how he's still teaching." I added, blowing off the collecting dust from one of the books before coughing dramatically as it went straight up my nose.

Greatfully taking the book from my hand, Lee added it to the stack on his desk and dusted off the rest using his hand. Smart kid. "I just wish he'd go easier on us. Maybe that way I can practice my delivery on commentating for the next game." He added.

"Yeah. Let's hope so, otherwise you'd probably get in trouble with McGonagall again for cursing out the Slytherin's." Lynn chuckled.

I laughed fondly at the memory. This was maybe two years ago, Gryffindor VS Slytherin, and the year 1989. The same year Oliver was appointed Captain for the first time and Gryffindor finally stood a chance. But then, at the very last second, Slytherin had pulled out some tricks none of us saw coming that ended with half of the Gryffindor team in the hospital wing. Nothing was done about it, of course, but it was hilarious to see Lee blow up over the speaker like that - cursing out the Slytherin's responsible.

Lee laughed. "Do you remember the look on her face?"

I laughed. "Oh it was priceless! I am so glad I was sitting next to you, Lee."

"Ditto." Lynn chimed in, handing me another book.

"Thanks." I smiled, flipping through the book, trying my best to not look as confused as I felt while reading it.

"Hey guys!" A voice chimed in.

"Heyy!" Lee, Lynn and I all chorused back, not taking our eyes off our books.

"Nice to see you guys acknowledging me." Cedric joked, finding a chair nearby to pull to one of our tables. He sat down with his own stack of books, accidentally slamming them down onto the desk without intention. He winced at the noise, and we all drew back suddenly as the Librarian appeared and angrily shushed us.

Cedric, Lynn and I had all managed to bite back our laughs by covering our mouths with our hands - but Lee was unfortunately unsuccessful. He laughed histerically, barely able to get a breath in. The librarian came back around, sending him another - and even louder - shush that ultimately made Lynn burst into laughter as well. And the rest of us soon followed, making the librarian see red. She had given us one last shush, huffed, propped up her glasses with one bony finger and gave up try to stop us all together, stomping away.

"Ok, ok but on a new topic." I finally managed to get a full sentence out after a minute or two, "have you guys seen the Twins?"

Lee laughed just as Lynn shrugged, saying they where probably off plotting more pranks to pull on Snape and McGonagall. "Okay, I'll just ask them later then." I said, unhappily flicking back through my Potions book.

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