Chapter Twenty Four : The Final Truth

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A/n: hey guys! Before this chapter starts, I'd like to give a quick Tigger warning for mentions of assault.

I know this may be a bit tough for some people to read, but if you still want to know what happens in the chapter without having to read it, feel free to comment under here where I or someone else can give you a very brief overview.

Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy! I put a lot of effort into this chapter, so kind words are always appreciated :)

Hope you all have a great week/weekend and I will see you all soon!

Y/n's POV:

I hated this.

I sat in class, chewing on the back of my pen, desperately trying to keep my eyes open and attention focused as I heard Snape drawl on with his lesson. Until finally, I heard Snape sigh, signifying the end of class.

We all rushed up, grabbing our bags before he could even begin to tell us that the past two hours where finally over, and walked right out of class.

And just as I rounded the corner, I spotted a head of brown hair at the other end of the hallway and almost smiled. Almost.

But Oliver hadn't noticed me yet, and I wasn't even planning to acknowledge him anytime soon, so I simply kept on walking by.

But one thing did come to mind when I saw him.

The tutoring sessions.

McGonagall had agreed to let us wait until the beginning of next year to start the tutoring sessions between Oliver and I, which gave me a second to appreciate all the good things in life. Like friendship and chicken pot pies. But also, for the fact that I wouldn't have to see Oliver's face until after I had de-stressed and celebrated the new year. Now that was always a plus.

The only thing was, the Christmas Holidays where going to begin tomorrow. So the time was ticking closer to the very first hour we were going to spend together in years - alone.

And I was not looking forward to it.

"Hey, Y/n!"

I whipped my head around to see my three boys huffing and puffing, running after me but eventually coming to a steady halt.

"I honestly thought you guys would fitter than this," I replied, laughing.

"Hilarious," Fred rolled his eyes and George laughed.

"We need you to check up on Lynn," Lee thankfully intervened, and got straight to the point.

"Lynn?" I asked, highly confused, "but I thought they where with you guys?"

And all of what I had said was true. After having managed to get the best night's sleep of my life, I had woken up hours before breakfast time with Lynn was still sound asleep in bed. But after I had fallen back asleep, soundlessly, I had woken up to them gone. I assumed they where off with the boys having breakfast.

"No, they aren't," George continued, "we haven't seen them today either."

I felt my eyebrows furrow together. "Don't worry, I'll go see if they're in the library. If not, I'll meet you guys here in a hour."

"Okay, see you!" They each said, George patting on the shoulder with a quick good luck before heading off.


I had been searching everywhere in the school for Lynn the last fifteen minutes, and yet - there was no sign of them.

I was sick of this. I was sick of waiting, and hoping they'd eventually come clean. They where my friend, and I was worried about them. They couldn't just disappear from classes and expect us to leave them alone!

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