Chapter Four : Yes, That's Love

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Y/n's POV:

It was around Dinner time and I now didn't have much time to get changed. I managed to quickly throw on a pair of jeans, a black band t-shirt and some boots but decided to leave Cedric's jumper on.

Mostly because everything else was on the wash and slightly because it was nice to be reminded of him. His presence made me feel comforted. Plus, he was right, it suited me well.

When I entered the Great Hall, I saw Lynn sitting with Lee, George and Fred. Normally, I would have sat with Lynn and Cedric at the Hufflepuff table but because Cedric was nowhere to be seen - and Lynn was sitting at the Griffindoor table - I just sat with them instead.

"Hey Y/n. How was Quidditch?" Lee was the first to see me.

"Thanks Lee, it was actually pretty good. I think I might make it onto the team!" I exclaimed excitedly, sitting in-between him and George.

While Fred and Lynn still hadn't noticed I was there while in a deep conversation with one another, George added, "Sounds awesome Y/n but it'll be sad to see your team loose this year. Especially when playing us." He teased.

"Ha! Right." I let out a short laugh. "When I make them team, I'll be sure not to go so easy on you. Then we'll see who really wins." I quipped back as George sighed in defeat.

"You're no fun." He mumbled, bringing me to laugh.

"What's up with them anyway?" I asked the two, pointing to Lynn and Fred.

Lee sighed. "I honestly don't know. They just keep chatting and are ignoring us. I honestly don't even think they know we're here."

George tried snapping his fingers infront of Fred's face, only for him to wave George off without as much as looking in his direction and continuing his conversation with Lynn.

I scoffed. "Well thanks for acknowledging at least one of us." I rolled my eyes at the two.

"Ooh wait, I have an idea!" George whispered excitedly.

"Georgie I don't think-" I began but both Lee and George shushed me before I could say anything more.

"Jut watch and learn." Was all George said, before pulling out a folded piece of paper.

He waved it infront of Fred's eyes just enough to grab his attention but for not so long that Fred could take it out of his hands. Fred's eyes widened when he realised what the price of paper was. And that George of all people had possession of it.

"How the bloody hell did you get that?!" He shreeked, forcefully trying to take the paper away from him.

Lynn, who was just as curious as the rest of us, tried to get the paper to see what was on it - but was sadly unsuccessful. Fred had finally snagged it from George and his it in his pocket before any of us could take another peek.

"What was that?" Lee asked him.

"Oh uh, nothing important." He blushed furiously.

"It didn't seam like nothing." I teased.

"Can we just drop it please!" He said a little too loudly to be seen as chill about it.

"Jee Wiz! Sorry Captain." George said, not sounding very apologetic.

"George! Stop teasing Fred before he turns even redder." Lee and George both laughed at this.

"You're one to talk Y/n, don't think I don't see you wearing Cedric's jumper right now." Lynn quipped back.

George gasped dramatically, waving his hands around in fake dispair. "Y/n is there something you're not telling us?!"

Lee grinned playfully.

"What? Oh Merlin no! Get your heads out of the gutter you three!" I exclaimed.

"Ok so why exactly are you wearing his jumper? I'd love to hear that explanation." Fred smirked.

"You're one to talk, you had a secret note maybe five seconds ago! And secondly, Cedric gave me his because I'd forgotten mine during Quidditch. You lot can calm down." I said.

And I was sure Lee was about to say something sarcastic, so when he began to open his mouth - I put my hand over it. "Another word from you Lee Jordan or so help me Merlin j will drag you to Azkaban myself!" I threatened through gritted teeth.

He raised his hands in defense as I took my hand away. "Sorry Miss Y/l/n, it won't happen again." He joked.

I managed to restrain myself from attacking him then and there, and began a conversation with George. We where talking about our classes and teachers for the year when he had made a rather hilarious joke about Professor Quirrel that almost made me spit out my drink. I tried to hold back laughter but I was unsuccessful.

But I was suddenly interrupted when Lynn had tapped me on the shoulder. They subtly pointed to the other end of the Griffindor table and said, "Looks like someone's still mad at you."

There sat Oliver Benjamin Wood, previously talking to his friends Percy Weasley and Penelope Clearwater but had stopped when he had heard a laugh. He had turned to the direction of the 'angelic sound' and had realised it was me.

His eyes darkened when he caught eyes of the bright yellow jumper that I was wearing. It wasn't exactly subtle, with the words 'Cedric Diggory' etched on the back in big black lettering. And I had assumed he was still mad at me for telling at his during his Quidditch practice and that's why he was staring daggers at me and didn't think much of it. I simply sent a glare in return. He quickly averted his gaze back to his friends when he saw I had caught his staring. I rolled my eyes at him one last time before doing the same.

But I still couldn't stop thinking about Wood. I mean, why did he have to be such an arse? I didn't regret anything I'd said to him during the Quidditch practice but... I still couldn't help but feel bad. After all, when we where friends we were awfully close. We had had alot of fun together back then. I just missed the old days.

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