Chapter Fifteen : Marcus Flint

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⚠️ TW: Flint ⚠️

Y/n's POV:

The weekend had soon come to it's dreaded end and Monday was back again as we all tried our best to power through the last class of the day. But my Merlin was D.A.D.A difficult! Quirrel was off sick, again, and we had another useless supply teacher who didn't know squat about the subject teach us for the next two hours.

I groaned, laying my head down on the table as my desk mate looked at me with sympathy. I was sat next to a girl named Adalia, who seemed nice enough, we just weren't that close. I leaned my elbows up on the desk, rubbing my hands over my eyes to get them to focus as I revisited the same page of my textbook. But all my mind seemed to go to was Oliver.

He was acting weird again. Ever since the Quidditch game we played on Friday, he'd been actively ignoring me. Though, I probably was reading into it a bit too much, it wasn't that different from what normally went on between us. But still, I could shake off the feeling that something was up with him.

After the dreaded next hour and a half, class was finally over. I stood outside, waiting for Lee to be finished with packing away his things (he was always super slow) when a chillingly familiar voice appeared. "Hello, Sugar."

My stomach chruned at the familiarity. I turned around, crossing my arms across my chest in an attempt to act annoyed. "Flint." I grumbled.

"No need to look so disheartened Darling, I just came to say hello." Flint sneered, his bent out of shape and weirdly sharp teeth sending a shiver of discust up my spine.

"Well, you've said it. Bye now."

I tried to walk away but he gripped onto my wrist, pulling me back far enough to whisper in my ear. "Careful Sugar, we wouldn't want to cause a scene."

I managed to twist my wrist out of his grip, too stunned by fear and horror to retort anything back. He laughed with a discusting amusement in his voice. "Careful with your next game Y/l/n, we wouldn't want you to get injured... do we?"

I gulped, turning back around so I wouldn't have to talk, or even look at him again. I let out a relived sigh at the sound of his disappearing footsteps.


"Hey Y/n, are you ok?" Someone asked.

I looked up from my half eaten plate of food, not wanting to hold any eye contact with anyone. "Yeah, just tired." It was a frequent excuse that I used when I didn't want to talk about something, especially in public. I don't think my friends ever really believed me when I said it, but it got them to stop asking me questions. So it worked for me.

"Are you sure? You don't seem well." Fred pushed.

"Yep." I swallowed back the lump in my throat and attempted to shift the conversation elsewhere. "Hey Cedric do you know who will be playing against who first this season?" I made sure to leave it there, taking another spoonful of my mashed potatoes.

"Yeah, uhm... I think it's Slytherin Vs Ravenclaw first and then we'll be up against whoever wins that match."

"Sure hope Slytherin don't win then." I let out a dry laugh, even though I 100% ment what I had said. Flints words just would not leave me head.

What the hell was his team going to do? They wouldn't injure us or anything... right? They couldn't get away with that. Though, they did get away with more things than the rest of the houses did, especially Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Only Griffindor really stood a chance with the favouritisms they got from Dumbledoor and McGonagall so, there was still that chance. And, last I'd heard, Malfoy had been put on the team so because of it, the Slytherin team where gifted new brooms and equipment. And not just new, but top of the line stuff. Expensive stuff. Yeah, you could say I was beginning to panick a little.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Lee repeated.

"Yes! Really guys, I'm fine." I huffed, growing more and more frustrated with their forcefulness. "I just need some air." I got up, not bothering to finish my food or pack away my things. I felt like I was going to suffocate if I stayed there any longer. I just had to get out.

And as I left the Great Hall, I heard Lynn whisper, "See? I told you you shouldn't push it Fred!"

"What did I do? You're the one that asked them if they where ok first!"

I sighed. Idiots.


I was out by the courtyard, a few walks away from the Great Hall and sitting down on a nearby bench. I drew in some deep breaths, exhaling slowly and trying my best to focus on some nearby views instead of the hundreds of thoughts running through my head.

What was Flint planning? I hoped that it wouldn't be anything dangerous - that me and my teammates would come out ok and un-injured - but with the history of the Malfoy's and the kinds of people that where put on the Quidditch team, the odds didn't really seem to be in my favour. I didn't want to have to see my family, and most especially Felix, go through the same thing that happened to me at Halloween. Even Madame Pomfrey said that I was lucky I made it out alive. Maybe my luck had run out, and I could get seriously injured, or worse... I didn't want to leave alone Felix in a big school like this. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but he's a bit nieve. But then again, I guess I was to.

"You've got to be kidding me." I heard someone complain from behind the bench I was sitting on.

I turned my head to see who had just spoken, but quickly spun back around and mentally cursed when I had realised who it was. "Good to see you, Wood." I said, my voice practically dripped in sarcasm.

"Sweet as ever, mo chailín deas." My Merlin, I could practically see the way his eyes rolled - along with his condescending tone to match it perfectly.

"Like you'll ever know." I scoffed.

"Why the hell are you here, it's Dinner time. Don't you want to yabber on to your friends or something?" He asked, this time, walking out from behind me and into my field of sight.

I felt my hands begin to ball into fists, but I quickly released them, forcing myself to take a deep breath. "Just here to get some fresh air, Wood. Now why are you here?"

"Same as you, it was getting too stuffy in there." He sighed, crossing his arms as he looked out towards the view.

I didn't know what to say next, so I just nodded. "Okay? Well can you leave? You're not exactly a breath of fresh air, Wood."

"When will you ever stop calling me that?"

"What, Wood? What would you prefer for me to call you... Woodpecker?"

He sighed. "My Merlin, you are impossible."

"Aww, how kind you are to me." I teased, voice full of fake sweetness.

Oliver paused, eyebrows furrowed together in an unreadable expression. "Hey, are you ok? You seem a bit..." He halted for a second before continuing, "off."

I shrugged. "Tough day."

Oliver waited, probably for me to continue, until he realised that that was all I was going to say. "That's it? I'm sure there's more to it than that."

"Why do you suddenly care?" I asked, quick to stand up. "Last time I checked, you where the one who said you couldn't care less about me!"

"I didn't mean it!" He retorted.

"You didn't? It definitely seemed like it, especially when all you did afterwards was ignore me and pretend like I didn't exist. You said it yourself, we haven't had a real conversation in years. So why do you suddenly care?"

Oliver stood, fists clenched and trying his best not to retort anything nasty back. "I don't know." Was all he could croak out.

I nodded. "Well then, that's your answer isn't it." I walked away before he could open his mouth to say answer, making sure to not look at him when I did.

I fucking hate him.

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