Chapter Thirty Five : Cruel Circumstances

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Y/n's POV:

For the first time that year, the morning sun shone through my window. The star emitted it's light, setting my room ablaze. It coloured my walls in a blend of soft yellows, and astounding oranges. And everything seemed to come alive with it.

The winter had been long and unpleasant. But even now that spring was making its appearance, moods remained low.

I layed horizontally across my mattress. My feet dangled off the edge of my bed as I swung them back and forth. And with the sun's orientation, half of it was shining directly in one eye. I squinted, turning my head left.

Lynn's hair sprawled out right by mine, their usual messy curls making another appearance. The sun only brightened it's golden undertones.


They sighed deep. "I know."

"And he just-"

"I know!"

"Bloody hell." I raked a hand through my hair. "Fred really is a complete idiot."

Another moment of silence came over us. I awkwardly repositioned my neck.

After last night, I'd walked with Lynn up to our empty dorm, brushing their hair aside as they cried in to my shoulder for what seemed to be hours. Though they couldn't articulate much past 'fred' and 'idiot'. But I got the jist.

By then, I didn't care that my dress had stained. It was going to need a wash after the ball anyway. Lynn's tears or mine, I didn't seem to matter.

"Hey," I sat up, shifting my body over to their side, "I'm sorry he was such a prick. I honestly don't know what's gotten into him! He shouldn't have treated you like that."

"But," they hiccuped, "maybe I overreacted. I could have been a bit nicer about it. Maybe that's why he's not talking to me."

"Oh Lynn," my hand ran soothingly over their arm, the other handing them another tissue, "you shouldn't have to be nice about it for him to be sorry. What he did was mean and you had every right to be upset. And you're allowed to feel angry to, okay?"

"I know, it's just-" they exhaled one of exhaust, "it kind of brought up some stuff for me, you know? Like- like from home. And maybe that's why I got so much more upset than I normally would've."

My hand rubbed in circles across their back, their tears running down my cotton jumper. "It's alright," I soothed, not quite sure what else to articulate, "it's okay."

Lynn smoothed back their curls, wiping away the remains of their eyeliner with the back of their sleeve. Another long sigh escaped them, the silence deafening, neither of us quite sure what to do next.

We ended up slumping further back into the bed, and let the silence envelop.


The days that followed where mind-numbingly stressful.

Since the fight, Fred stayed away and kept his distance. The boys figured it was to give Lynn some space. I figured it was because he was being a coward.

They knew the rough details, but still, George felt this kind of family loyalty to stick with him. So did Lee. They figured he was going through something, and wanted to be there when he'd finally want talk about it. That I could understand, but it was hard to even be around them when Fred was there to.

He may not have done something to me - but he did do something deeply personal.

March was just around the corner. And with it's sunny skies and fields of daises, came the next Quidditch match. The highly anticipated Slytherin Vs Gryffindor. And it was only three days away.

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