Chapter Six : Oh Family

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to a bright light shining directly in my face, the radiance piercing through my closed eyelids. I tried to divert my eyes from the light as they began to tear up. Once I was able to hear clearly, I heard the sound of voices. They all seemed to be quiet chattering away about something and I had guess there where at least...five of them?

I groaned, looking around the room through squinted eyes as I tried to get them ajusted to the lights. And someone must have heard me wake up.

"Y/n, are you awake?" I heard a young boy ask.

I smiled as I recognised the voice. "Hey buddy, good to see you're alive." I croaked out.

"Oh thank Merlin, you're ok!" Felix cheered, quickly wrapping his arms around me in joy.

I gasped out in pain. "Careful kid." I said, coughing dryly.

He pulled away quickly, realising he must have hurt me. "Woops, sorry."

"What happened to me? And where am I?" I asked. I adjusted myself to sit upright bit immediately stopped as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I looked down to see my ribs covered in bandages that where hidden underneath the hospital gown I was wearing.

"I- what?" I stuttered in surprise. I had established that baised on the setting and what I was currently wearing, that I was in the Hospital Wing. But I still had so many questions. Why was I banged up? Why was I here in the first place? Where Harry, Ron and Hermione safe? Bloody hell, was the school safe?! And where in Merlin's beard where my parents?!

"Y/n, please take a breath. You need to lie back down." I heard Cedric softly say. "But-" I began, but not having the time to protest as he propped up the po pillow behind my head down and gently layed me down on it.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to relax. "Ok, can someone pleas explain why I'm bandaged up?" I asked.

"When you where with that Troll you where thrown across the room and hit a wall. Madame Pomfrey said that you bruised some ribs but that was about it." Lynn explained.

"Wow, ok." I mused, remembering what had happened. "Well, are Ron, Harry and Hermione ok? Are they safe?" I asked, trying to control my now shaking hands. Cedric, who sat to my left and faced opposite to Felix who was by my right, gently took my hands in his. I smiled at him in appreciation.

"Don't worry, they're safe and un-harmed. The only thing that was damaged was the Gryffindoor house points." Lee joked, only mildly irritated.

I let out a short laugh in amusement, trying to conceal my giggles. The group along with me, smiling at the slight of me being happy again. But their expressions quickly subsided when I winced in pain, clutching my chest.

When I saw their worried expressions, I rolled my eyes teasingly. "I'm not dying you guys, there's no need to be so sad. Merlin you lot are so depressing!"

They all became less downcast by my words and laughed once again. I smiled before I continued. "Ok, next question. How long was I passed out for?"

"Maybe 10 minutes, and by then you where already in the Hospital Wing. Madame Pomfrey have you some sleep medicine while she helped with your injuries. And're awake the next day." Felix explained for me. I nodded in thanks.

But then came the sound of a loud bang, preventing me from asking any further questions. Though I had a feeling I wouldn't have to ask the next question, as the answer was already in front of me. We all turned our heads to see where the noise was coming from, only to see my parents burst through the door. They hurrily scanned the room, presumably looking for Felix and I.

My Dad was the first to spot me. "Oh my Merlin, Y/n! We heard what happened. Are you ok?" They asked, practically sprinting over to my bed.

"Mum, Dad, it's ok. Felix is safe and I just have some bruised ribs. It's nothing serious." I tried to ease Thier panic and even though I understand why they where, it wasn't helping anyone right now.

But my Mum not the other hand, wasn't having it. "It's just a couple of bruised ribs, are you bloody insane?! How could you have done something so reckless? You could have died! You could have both died!" She said, training to Felix.

I sighed. "I'm sorry Mum, and you're right - but Felix was there in danger and I had to do something! I couldn't just leave him." I added.

"You couldn't have just let the school do their job, could you?!" She yelled, exasperated.

"Ok, that's enough yelling!" My Dad interuppted. "Cass, lay off a bit - ok? Your scolding isn't helping anyone right now." He had managed to finally calm my Mum down with his words of affirmation.

"Right, sorry." She said.

"Why couldn't you guys come earlier?" The Troll came like a day ago." Felix asked, trying to desperately break the tension that was built.

"Yes, sorry about that. The Owl's gave us the news and they're not particularly fast." My Dad answered. His eyes then trailed down towards my hands, noticing Cedric's still intertwined with mine. Assuming the worst of the situation, he shot Cedric a cold, disapproving glare. Probably noticing my Dad eyeing him dangerously, Cedric carefully took his hands away from mine and hid then in his pockets.

I rolled my eyes. "Dad-"

"Hey! When I allowed you to be a bit rebellious this year, I didn't mean like this." He pointed between me and Cedric.

"You allowed her to what?!" My Mum shreaked.

"Oh my Merlin." I groaned, hiding my head in my hands out of embarrassment.

And I could tell my Mum was about to give my Dad a head-in, no matter who was still in the room, but she was thankfully stopped by Madame Pomfrey walking up to me. "Oh good, you're awake!" She smiled.

Everyone kind of just stood there, probably not realising they might be in her way. She sighed. "Can you guys move a little please? I have a patient to treat." She ushered them away, and they all collectively took some steps back - giving her some room to get around.

She then turned in my direction, handing me some pills and and glass of water to swallow it down with. "This should help with some of the pain." She explained. "Oh dear, why would you do such a thing. You're lucky you don't break anything." She tutted.

"Kids lives where in danger, I had to do something." I explained.

"Sometimes I wonder how you weren't placed in Gryffindoor." Fred chuckled, but his laughter was shot down by my mother sending him death glare. I sighed.

"Ok well, I think it's best if we have you some privacy now - the lot of us. Give her some privacy." My Dad said, looking at my friends when he did. "You Mum's got to go chew Dumbledoor's ear off now." He chuckled. I laughed along and waved everyone goodbye as they walked away.

"You're family's rather protective of you I see." Madame Pomfrey pointed out.

"Yes they can be, especially my Mum. But I don't think she was helping with her constant worrying." I replied.

Madame Pomfrey have me an amused look. "You know, your mother wasn't exactly the best student either. She was always pulling pranks with her friends James, Sirius, Remus and Peter. The lot where such troublemakers. But don't tell her I told you that." She winked.

"Really?" I was kind of shocked to be hearing this - my mother didn't seem like the type.

"Yes, it's true. Though she was also the most clumsy, in for a new injury almost every week." She laughed fondly at the memory.

Well who would have thought?

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