Chapter Five : Spooky Season

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A/n: Hey guys!

Because it's the season, here's a little Halloween special for you all :)

Anyway, Happy Halloween to anyone who celebrates it and have a great day! <33

Y/n's POV:

It was a blissful late after noon on the day of Halloween. Burnt red, orange and yellow leaves fell from the trees, the wind swept through the open cracks in the windows and the sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace came ablaize. It was a relatively peaceful time of year, one of which I spent mostly spent reading by the fire or hanging out with friends. But this time, everything felt... different somehow.

The soft silence that usually brought me some ease now caused an un- familiar sickness in my stomach. I had thought the feeling to be just nerves, as I had learnt as off yesterday that the Quidditch team list would be put up soon. I believed the anxiousness of finding out whether I made the team or not was what was causing the odd feeling.

But something still felt off. Today just didn't feel right.

My friends had come to the same conclusion as I had - that it was just Quidditch nerves - but even then the feeling wouldn't go away.

"You'll be fine Y/n, trust me." Lynn turned to face me, noticing my unease as I stared outside the window of our dorm room.

"I know, I know. I just- I can't help but still feel nervous. Maybe I wish I'd done better, I-"
I sighed, hugging my legs to my chest. "I just don't know."

They looked at me rather concerned. "What do you mean?" They asked.

"'s just that everyone did so much better than me and frankly, they'd be better on the team then I would. I just wish I'd done better."

What I was saying wasn't a lie, but I wasn't about to tell Lynn the real reason why I felt so nervous. I mean, how crazy would that sound?! Yeah I've just got a really bad feeling for today with no reason whatsoever and feel nauseous and anxious about it. Even for a witch I sound crazy!

"Ok, let me stop you right there." Lynn interjected. "I'm not going to lie to you, some of those kids did alot better than you."

"Jee, thanks." I huffed.

"Let me finish!" Lynn exclaimed. "But you should stop focusing on what you could have done when you should be focusing on how much you've managed to do. Y/n, when we had our first flying classes you where so scared our teacher had to practically push you into your broom to show you it wasn't so bad."

I laughed at the memory. "I was practically sh!ting myself."

"But now look at you! You're flying as if you where born on a broomstick. You need to honestly stop comparing yourself to others and focus on how much you've achieved yourself." They finished.

I smiled greatfully. "Thank you Lynn. You mean the world to me, you know that right? I love as if you where my own sibling."

"I love you too Y/l/n." They chuckled as we pulled eachother into a tight hug.

After a while I sighed, pulling away un-willingly. "Sorry Lynn but I've got to go now, Mum's making me check up on Felix again."

"Alright! Now I can finally have some peace!!" They cheered jokingly.

"Wow." I chuckled.


I managed to find my way back to the Ravenclaw door soon enough and when I arrived, a man inside the golden frame of the portrait spoke a riddle.

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