Prologue - Edited

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Confessions of the Other Woman: Korey      



"Fuckin' skank ho!" She yelled with tears falling from her puffy eyes. I had no sympathy though. I sat with a sly smile on my face as she inched closer to the messy bed, evidence of love making. Austin was in the shower, and  he'd have quite a confrontation waiting for him when he got out. I had his back regardless.

"Look Lana, I really am not about to tell you it's not what it looks like, because it's exactly what it looks like. No hard feelings." I smiled, sweetly.

"Bitch you must have a death wish!" I heard her say, but I ignored her and sat up, letting the thin sheet fall off my breasts. They were firm, yet soft, and very perky. I wasn't the least bit ashamed, Austin loved them. I smiled thinking about my baby. I loved him so much. 

 She stopped dead in her tracks in awe as I rose from the bed completely naked. I know my body was banging, and I didn't dare try to hide it. I flaunted it on a daily basis, because I earned it. Getting up everyday at 5 to run around the block pays off.

I located my bra hanging on the lamp shade on the night table beside the bed, and my thong was no where to be found. Ah, oh well. I thought as I clipped my bra and slipped on my too-tight, skimpy, summer dress. I am not and never will I be a hoe. Austin was my second sex partner in my entire life. Well technically he was the third, but I don't count my first time, because I was forced. Another story for another day.

I heard movement behind me, but I continued to bring myself together. I turned around to see Lana bawling, a snotty nose and everything, with a gun in her hand. She can't be serious right now. She looks psycho.  

As if on cue the shower cut off, and Austin emerged from the bathroom soon after, looking good as usual. We, or more so he, wasn't  planning on her finding out this way, but he promised he was going to tell her so we could finally be together in a committed, monogamous relationship. Now, you must think I'm really stupid, but I'm not. I knew the possibilities of getting caught when I started this affair. I knew I could end up with a broken heart when I started. I knew that if he was willing to cheat on her, he could easily do the same to me, but I didn't care. 

I honestly was whipped on the dick in the beginning, but then I caught feelings. Number one rule ladies, don't catch feelings. You are the other woman, and you should know your place. I knew my place, and I didn't interfere with his little girlfriend, but I let him know I wouldn't wait around forever. We confessed our love for each other a while ago, and I really believe his word when he says he's going to make me Mrs. Austin Washington one day.  

Our heads snapped to the bathroom door, and he began to walk in the room while adjusting the towel around his waist, looking down. "Baby, you-" he stopped as he lifted his head to see me, Korey King, in front of the gun of his girlfriend Alana Lawrence. As I looked from him to her, I noticed something on Lana's hand that caught the light.

She was holding the shiny pistol in her right her hand, but the shine was coming from her left. My heart stopped when I realized she was an engagement ring. What the fuck?!  

"You got something," she nodded her head in my direction, "you want to tell me babe?" She said in a calm tone towards Austin, but her face was wrecked. Puffy red eyes filled with tears. Dried mascara making black stains down her cheeks. She looked bad. "Yeah, I do actually." My heartbeat sped up. I was getting so happy, proud he was going to finally tell her. "Listen up babydoll." I cooed loud enough for her ears only, confident this is the moment I've been waiting on for 9 months.   

"This is the bitch I told you about. The one who's been stalking me! She's trying to fuck up our engagement baby!" He said as if he was really telling the truth. I sat there in utter shock. He can't be fucking serious right now!




He's kidding.. This is all a joke... No, I'm dreaming. Yeah, that's it. I pinch myself.... Still here. "Fuck!" I yell out loud.  

"Baby, you want me to, uh, handle her?" Lana said, waving her gun and adding emphasis to handle. Oh wow, okay I have to get out of here. I felt the tears at the back of my eyes, but I refuse to let them drop. I refuse for him to see me like this. I refuse to be the other woman anymore. He showed me the real him, and I gotta say. I had to have saw this coming.

Sit back, relax, and read on the confessions of me, the other woman, Korey King. This may take a while.

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