Chapter 10 - Part 1

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Chapter 10 - Part 1

*Korey's P.O.V*

Jonathan’s gone.. again. I sighed, shaking my head. I figured I’d cook something for when he returns.


I stirred the spaghetti, waiting for the sauce to simmer, and tried to balance the house phone between my shoulder and ear. 

"Yes, I will save you a plate." I laughed, as Yazmin begged me to save her some of my world famous spaghetti! If I don’t do nothing right, I know I cook a mean spaghetti.

"Matter of fact, I'm on my way. You better not eat without me!" She said, and I heard her car start up. She wasn't playing. I smiled and added the noodles.

“That’s fine. I made a huge pot.” I said, taking the Italian breadsticks out the freezer.

"Okay, see you soon, love ya bitch." She said, hanging up without an answer from me. I just shook my head, and continued to prepare the food. I heard the oven tick, indicating that the temperature was ready for the breadsticks to go in. Just as I was about to pop them in, the doorbell rang. I smiled thinking it was Jonathan, and I decided to take off my robe, leaving me in his shirt and my PINK V.S. boy shorts.

I smiled and skipped off to the door, and hurried to open it, and see my man. Maybe, he left to get fresh clothes or something. I don’t know. I swung open the door with a smile on my face.

"Hey baby, I-" I started, until I saw that it was Austin. What in the HELL is he doing here?! I haven't spoken to him in a good two weeks, and he wants to pop up like it’s nothing. Idiot! I try closing the door, but his foot catches in between.  

"LEAVE!" I said, pushing the door, adding pressure on his foot, and he only smirked, unaffected, pushing his way inside, grabbing my body and slamming me into the wall, leaving the door wide open. He held down my arms, as I struggled under his grip.

"Kor... Oh! Well, I'll leave you two to your love fest.. You had better call me!" Yazmin said, leaving out the door as quickly as she came. Never does she do that, something's up. Why would she leave me in this house CLEARLY pent up against my will? Eager… Without a plate of her favorite food, my spaghetti. Hmm. 

"Get out my house!" I yelled in Austin’s face, but he only tightened his grip, until he took in my appearance. I saw his jaw clench, and his nose flare. He let go of my arms and punched the wall, probably leaving a hole. I didn’t dare look.

"So you been fuckin' around on me?" He asked, and I took a deep breath. I felt so out of control, so helpless, but I couldn't let him know that. I had to stay strong, or he'd think he could run over me. 

"One." I said, pushing his chest. He gave us a little more distance between us, but he didn't move far.

"We are not together.” I said, and he narrowed his eyes at me. 

“Two… I have a man, yes. Actually, he should be here in.." I looked down playfully at my wrist, as if I had a watch on, when I felt a burn across my cheek, making me stumble along the wall. I know this nigga did not just-

"What the fuck you mean, you got a man? I'm your man! Don't play games with me Korey." He yelled, tightly gripping my upper arm. My lip quivered as tears dared to trickle down my now rosy red cheeks. I put my hand to my face, trying to get into my brain what just happened.

"Look, I'm sorry bae, but you need to know who runs this show. I know you was playing, right?" He said, rubbing the spot where he just hit. This wasn't the Austin I knew. This wasn't who I had once fell in love with. I closed my eyes, blinking back tears, as I maneuvered from away from him, and on the steps. I ran into my room, closing and locking the door, just as he reached it. 

I slid down the doorframe, soaking my shirt in tears as I pulled my knees to my chest. Austin banged on the door, threatening me to open it, and I hurried to get my cell phone, running into the bathroom. 

With tear stained eyes, I dialed the one person I knew I could count on, and he didn't answer. Five calls later, and still no answer. I threw my phone across the room, and fell to the floor crying my little heart out, until I heard a faint knock on the door. I hoped it was him, I hoped it was Jonathan.  

"Baby." A soft voice said. I couldn't make it out, but it didn't sound like Austin...  

Eagerly, I got up to open the door, but pulled back at the last second, as Keyshia Cole's voice bounced off my bathroom tile walls. I looked from the door to her phone, and decided to pick it up.

My heart sped up as I saw Jonathan's name, and realized it wasn't him at the door. I hiccupped, still recovering from my tears, and picking up the phone.

"H-hello?" I whispered.

"Wassup?" Jonathan asked, kind of annoyed. What was up with him? I was on edge. Here I was, hiding in my own damn house, and he called me like he didn't want to speak.

"Um, I just..I" he cut me off, and I heard another voice in the background. It was high, familiar.

"You what, Korey?" He said, and I pulled the phone back, looking at it. He never seemed to be annoyed with me before. What was up now? Before I could answer him, Austin burst through the door.



*Jonathan's P.O.V*

I was annoyed by Yazmin’s desperate ass. I was high as hell, I just wanted to get some food and relieve some of this stress, but I needed answers out of her.

I ignored Korey’s calls, she was annoying me too, calling like her life depended on it.

Just let a nigga breathe.

I called her back after a while, and Yazmin was talking on and on about some shit with her wanting some spaghetti or something.

"Um, I just...I" Korey said, and I let out an obvious breath of annoyance as  Yazmin bit her lip, and raised her shirt, showing off her new belly ring. She was nice looking, but that’s not where I want to be.

"You what, Korey?" I said, and then I heard a loud nigga's voice, as the phone sounded like it hit the ground or something. I quickly swerved to the right of the highway, listening closely. I couldn't hear much, but I caught three words that had my blood boiling.

"Austin... More... Please." 

I looked at the bitch in the passenger seat. Could she be telling the truth about them still fucking? I think I got my answer right on the other need of this call. She heard everything, smiling mischievously.

Maybe it was the weed, maybe it was my anger, but when she leaned over, and pressed her lips to mine, I didn't object. And when she straddled my lap and unzipped my pants, I didn’t stop her.


It's short for a reason! Part 2 is in the works, so please vote & comment!!!! I love reading what y'all think it motivates me and cracks me up because yall are hilarious! lol

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