Chapter 2 - Edited

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Chapter 2: Relapse

I hurry into the building, and make my way into the elevator, ignoring the 'good morning's and how are you's. Of course, the elevator's packed with other late, and some on-time, employees.

Behind me is some creepy tall guy who works in the mail room. I think his name's Josh or something. He always stares at me, and being cramped in this tight space just scares the shit out of me. I jump, almost crushing the old lady in front of me, when I feel his nasty hot breath on my neck. I hear his raspy voice, trying to sound smooth. "Nice ass, babe." He said, then the bastard runs his hand up and down my left ass cheek, even having the nerve to squeeze.

"Oh! No panties? Mmm, naughty girl!" He cooed, and I quickly lifted my foot, which is sporting a 4 inch heel, and kick him in his not-so-precious dick. That'll hurt a lot. I chuckle as he bends and grabs his crotch. The old lady turns around looking concerned, and I bend to his level, rubbing his back, appearing like a cared for the rude S.O.B.

"Bet you won't try that again, huh? Don't play with me, babe." I whispered in his ear and he groaned. The old lady smiled at me once I rose up, and patted my arm with a wide smile.

"Young lady, you're very sweet to be concerned. I know how these mornings can be." She started to look around the elevator as if it held a memory only she knew about.

"I worked here for the last thirty years, and I'm finally retiring. Thank god!" I smiled at her and nodded my head. It made me feel better to defend myself and then have this sweet lady praise me.

The ding sound made me realize again I was late, and hurry out the cramped box. I turned to see Josh still hunched over, but his head popped up and he had rage in his eyes as he mouthed 'Bitch'. I laughed my ass off as I walked to Mr. Sawyer's office. I felt my stomach clench as I thought about how late I was. Yazmin, the secretary at the front desk and my close girl friend, stopped me as I was approaching his door.

She was out of breath, I guess she'd been trying to catch up with me. "Yeah?" I asked kind of annoyed, because I needed to hurry the hell up and she was a talker if I ever saw, more so heard, one.

"Girl, he's pissed! I tried to help you out, so I told him your mom had an emergency at the nursing home, and you had to sort everything out over the phone since she not in Newark. You know he didn't care. But anyway, I just wanted to warn you, 'cause his ass on edge." I gave her a tight smile as I tried to get my lie together in my head. She rubbed my back, and I knocked on Mr. Sawyer's door.

"Korey I know that's you, get your ass in here!" He yelled and I turned my head towards Yazmin, giving her that 'I know he ain't talking to me, look' she smiled and nodded, walking back to the reception desk as the phone rang.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. This man was waiting for my ass. He stood there, leaning on his shiny, dark brown wooden desk with his muscular arms folded across his chest, looking mad as hell. I'd laugh if I didn't value my job. Although, I'm thinking I probably lost it.

"Good Morning Mr. Saw-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Don't stroll in here thinking you have the right, and like you're not late. Extremely late at that" He boomed. I was pissed, but I kept reminding myself, you need this job. You need this job.

"I apologize sir, I had a family emergency." I defended myself with the lie Yazmin came up with. God forbid it really happened. I couldn't even fathom losing my mama.

His mouth got tight and he balled up his fists as he stared at me. The fuck is wrong with this man?

"Lying whore! I know you have no family. I know you're out having sex with any guy that has a pulse. Is that why you're late? Had a friend over last night?" He yelled, stepping closer to me. I had enough at this point and I went off, and bad. I saw red. He was no longer my boss, he was everyone in my life that hurt me. Every man that hurt me.

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