Chapter 1 - Edited

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Chapter 1: Thirsty





I sighed as I walked past my car after getting the mail. Everyday there's a new word keyed into it. You always hear about the main chick in these types of situations. Everyone feels so bad for them, but who is anyone outside looking in to judge? Yes, maybe I am 'taking' another woman's man, but I have my reasons. My mom always told me, "A woman only get thirsty if a man giving her water." and boy was I thirsty!

It takes two to cheat. Two to fuck. Two to have an affair. Hell, two or more. I hated the fact that Austin was cheating, because I honestly despised cheaters, but I just had to have him. He showed me so much love. So much affection. I never had that. I never had a man to properly love and care for me like they should. 

I was tortured by every man that has come into my life. I don't even like to think about it, but I couldn't let Austin go that night he found me at the bar crying my little eyes out, and he wasn't even trying to hit on me. He let me know off rip that he had a girl at home, which I could care less about at the time because I wasn't looking for a man. I didn't trust them. Men were nothing but disappointments in my eyes. But, he was the only man to ever give me so much care and love, without expecting anything in return.  

We started off as cool friends, but then I started feigning for him to make love to me. I knew he had a girl. I knew his girl! We wasn't cool like that, but we knew each other through mutual friends. Whenever we went out she was there somehow. It was a little creepy at first, because I knew her man was looking at me like he wanted me, but after a while I just said fuck it, 'cause she never came at me wrong. Not yet anyway.

I walked into my house and went straight to the bed. I was so tired. It's been a month since the whole situation. Austin still calls every few days, and i never answer. My heart hurts so much. I am very hurt still. How could he say those things to me? How could he lie, tell me he loved me, and then engage the crazy bitch? I just needed to get away from this. I needed a break from my life, period. Too bad I'm broke. With no family and a select amount of friends, everything in my life was done and payed for by me. I wouldn't dare ask anyone for money, because I don't like having people own me.  

When you owe people money, I feel like they own you. They are on your backs all the time reminding you, nagging you. I just don't like that shit. I'd rather scrape my little change and barely make it with the little job I got. I work downtown at this lawfirm for this jackass, Carson Sawyer. He owned so much shit it made no sense. He payed me so little to do everything for him, and I was getting tired of it, but I needed that little money and he knew it. 

I flopped down on my fluffy foam bed. Although I don't make that much, it's good to come home to a nice place and a comfy bed. I didn't even feel like taking off my clothes. I lazily crawled to the top of the bed and knocked out. As my eyes were closing, I heard my cell phone vibrating, but I was too tired to answer. It wasn't anyone important, unless it was Austin, and I knew he wasn't calling.

I wake up sprawled out over my bed in a spread eagle. I'm so comfortable and still tired. I look to my alarm clock to see that it's 2:54 in the morning. Damn! I have to get up in a little over two hours for work. My asshole boss thinks it's cute to make me, an assistant, come in before anyone else to wait in his office for him to get there--which is whenever he pleases. One day he didn't even show up. Ugh, he's such a prick, like all men.  

I slip off my dress and tights, leaving me in my bra and panties. I start a bath seeing as I probably won't be able to fall back asleep. As the water is running and the bubbles are filling in, I go check my phone. I see I have 12 missed calls and 3 text messages. I open the missed calls first. All Austin, and the last one was not too long ago, at 2:00. I sigh, frustrated. What does he want with me? I haven't spoken to him since everything happened.

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