Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

*Jonathan's P.O.V*

I woke up the next day to Korey straddling my lap, shaking me.

"Baby. get up!" She yelled.

"What? What's wrong?" I popped up, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm trying to decide which thong I should wear. I can't decide between the crotchless ones, or the lace ones." She said, and I groaned before opening my eyes to see a naked Korey on my lap, holding up two thongs in my face.

"What happened to toning down the teasing?" I asked, and she smiled and pecked my lips.

"I just took a shower, baby. I just wanted to know which pair you would prefer." Shaking my head, I just pointed to the red ones.

"Ahh, you would choose the crotchless ones. Just for that, I think I'll wear a dress." She winked, and got off of me, and disappeared into the hall.

I rubbed my hands over my face. I don't think I'll live much longer if she keep playing with me.


*Korey's P.O.V*

"So, where do we start on finding her?" I asked, getting into Jon's car.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I think I wanna see my dad first." He said, which surprised me.

"If you're sure." I said, and not even twenty minutes later, we were outside his building.

There were police cars everywhere. I would say about twenty. The red and blue lights were flashing bright, as the nosey bystanders gossiped about what was happening. I looked over at Jon as two bodies were being pulled out on a gurney.

"FUCK!" He yelled, and I reached over and rubbed his thigh.

"Calm down baby, it's okay." I tried to comfort him, but he just looked pissed off. I don't think that was his dad though, if that was what he was thinking. The bodies both looked small and skinny. Not big enough to be a grown man.

"What if he's gone Kor? I already lost mama. I'm not ready to lose him too, even though I should hate him, but I can't." He whispered as the doors to the ambulance truck closed.

I leaned over the arm rest, and put my forehead to his. "Don't jump to conclusions. Let's just go in." Just as I said that, Jon's phone rang.

"Yeah.... What?.... WHERE? ... Where nigga?!.... Aight." Jon hung up the phone, and turned the car around.


"My pops at the E.R. They said he went into cardiac arrest." I didn't say anything as I watched the tears come down his face. I put my hand on his and he squeezed it in return. I hated to see him so hurt, and then the fact that he was losing his dad made me sympathize for him too. Although, I don't think his dad deserves his emotions.

He tried to kill him. That bullet in his chest probably has his name on it. Why would those men just pop up and try to kill Jon? His father, that's why.


*Jonathan's P.O.V*

I watched as the tubes flowed in his nose, and his chest barely moved. The machine was beeping and his eyes still hadn't opened. They told me he had another few days before they expected him to stop breathing. His heart was weak, and the cancer had spread further and faster because of stress.

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