Chapter 27

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A/N: I've decided to break these last three chapters into parts. This will be part one, the next chapter is part two, and the last will be the Epilogue. I hope you enjoy :) I want to keep my goal and finish this book before May, so I'm trying to post a new chapter everyday. Anyway, Enjoy!!

Chapter 27

*Korey's P.O.V*

Finally we're fully moved in! Just me, my baby girl, and my soon to be husband. WOW. I still can't believe it myself. If you would've told me a year ago I was marrying anyone other than Austin, I would've told you you were crazy and out of your mind. But, here I am, in Philadelphia, curled up under my man after hours of one of our many freaky love-making rendezvous. We were only one hundred miles from Newark, but we were far enough away.

No crazy twins, no drama, just me and my babies. Lana spent the night with Trey, and she promised to keep it PG, but hell, we all know thats not going to be the case. Imagine that, my fiancé's sister and my bestfriend. That's crazy. I am so glad I didn't pursue Trey when I had the opportunity.

I heard Jonathan's soft snores under my ear, bringing me back to the present, and I decided to follow along behind him and let sleep take over me. A peaceful sleep wrapped in Jonathan Lawrence's arms, my man. All mine. Not, Yazmin's, not any other bitch's, but mine! I would never be the other woman again, and the proof is gleaming in the light on my left finger as I rubbed my growing belly.

* * *

I woke up to the smell of food, which didn't quite agree with me, because I was bent over the toilet pouring out yesterday's junk a few moments later. Damn did I hate morning sickness! I rubbed my stomach, telling my little angle to chill out so mommy could get things done.

I slipped on Jon's shirt from yesterday, and went to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I walked down the hall to the stairs, and when I made it to the kitchen entryway, I wanted to fall out laughing. Jonathan had on nothing but one of my aprons--that was too small, and barely covered him--and nothing else. He was tending to the toaster, trying to figure it out, while the eggs burned on the stove. I bit my lip, holding in my laughter.

But, I screamed out laughing when the toast popped out, burnt of course, scaring the hell out of Jon. I slid down the wall, holding my stomach as I kept replaying the scene in my head. I looked up and saw him laughing too.

"That shit scared the fuck outta' me." I nodded, my laughter subsiding.

"I see that." I said, smiling. He shook his head, and noticed the eggs, cursing under his breath, and taking the pan to the sink, running cold water. I began to giggle. At least he tried.

He held out a hand for me, and helped me up. "Let me show how you're supposed to cook, hubby." I said, cockily, slapping his firm ass. He jumped back shaking his head.

"Hell naw, don't do that gay shit!" I shook my head, laughing. Today was starting off really hilarious.

A little over forty five minutes later, we were enjoying the product of my wonderful culinary skills. Sausage links, scrambled eggs, pancakes from scratch, and fresh cut Papayas. I drenched everything, even the fruit, in syrup. Jon preferred molasses, which is gross to me. It's so thick, just yuck!

"Thank you baby." Jon thanked me, kissing my cheek, and going into the den area. I rolled my eyes. It was Sunday, which meant only one thing. Football, and ignore Korey day. I sighed, finishing my breakfast, and cleaning the dishes, because Jonathan had retired on the sectional couch, in front of the 55 inch television, propped up on an entertainment center, with doors that opened and closed it off.

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