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Well, hello!
This is my new story and I hope you like it!

This one is going to be the same style/vibe of fanfic as 'Love is blind' for the ones who read that one.

If you don't know me yet, my name is Magalí and I'm from Argentina, so this isn't my native language.

Well, I guess that's it! Please comment and vote ✨

Mag 🦋


[ Harry's POV ]

You understand you're old, when people around you start to get married.
Like all of my friends, everyone in my friend circle was starting to get married.
First Ed, then Zayn, Liam, Roman, Mitch and more to count.

I had every single one of their wedding invitations resting on my kitchen counter, they were accumulating there, one above the other. They were only haunting me.

'Harry Styles plus one.'

I didn't have a plus one. And I didn't want to have one either, but now I was in that time of life when everyone around me had settled down while I was still a child.
Well, maybe not a child, but an adult with the soul of a child.

I still hadn't confirmed any of the invitations, and guess what? Ed's wedding is in about a week.

He actually called me two days ago to confirm if I was going to bring someone with me, but I still didn't know. I mean, I wanted to go on my own, but I didn't want to be called the 'single friend.'

I looked at Ed's invitation once again like I've been doing for the past months and sighed in frustration.
Growing up is harder than you think, kids.

I was about to text Ed and say that I was going to go alone when the bell of my apartment rang.
I got up from my seat and walked to the door. I found my friend Nick Grimshaw standing on the other side, and guess what he was holding? Yes! Another fucking wedding invitation!

"Hey mate! I wanted to invite you to my wedding, it's going to be in four months, so you have plenty of time to confirm to us your assistance, ok?"

"Yeah, sure. Thanks, want to Come in?"

"No, I have to continue delivering these, see you next week at Ed's, right?"

"Yes, I'll be there!"

"Great. Bye, Harry."

"Bye." - I waved at him while he walked away.

I held the envelope and stared at it.

'Harry Styles plus one.'

Why had everyone decided I should have a partner? Like for real. Can't they see I'm fine on my own?

I thought that I could probably take Gemma with me, she loves weddings, but that would just be sad. Right?

I crashed on the sofa and decided to call my only friend who wasn't engaged yet.

"Hello?" - He said once he picked up the phone.

"I'm stressed."

"What happened?"

"Don't know who I should bring to Ed's wedding."

"Well, I don't know if you can get anyone in a week, man. Just go by yourself."

"But even you got a date."

"Yeah, but I'm awesome."

"Oh, shut the fuck up!" - I said and he laughed.

"Look, you don't have to compare yourself with the rest of us. Who cares if you go alone?"

"It's just… I don't want to be the joke of the group."

"Well, if you are desperate you can always hire someone."


"Yeah, like hire a date."

"Is that a thing?"

"Yeah, there are some dope apps to look for people and you pay them to go with you to events."

"Like prostitutes?"

"Nah, it's just like you are hiring an actor to be with you during the event, not sex included."

"Really? And is it safe?"

"Dunno mate, never did it. But you should give it a try."

"Yeah, maybe. I don't have anything to lose at this point."

"That's the attitude!"

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Tell me how it went."

"Sure. Bye."

"See you!"

So I hung up on him and I quickly went to search at the app store for that. I scrolled down for a while and finally downloaded one that was called 'rent a date.'

Let's find out how this works.

I set the app to search for gay men in London and plenty of options showed up on the screen.

This was like buying people.
And It was weird but exciting at the same time.

There were different prices also, some of them were per hour, others only charged you per day.

I also set the app to prices that I could afford, because I was not going to spend a fortune on a fake date and some of these men were really pretentious.

I opened one of the profiles I got interested in.
Tan skin, green eyes and dark hair. Really handsome.

Name: Elliott Y.

Age: 25


- No gifts.
- Kisses only during the event.
- Payment beforehand.
- I do not give personal information. (We can make up stories of our own to tell the rest of the people.)
- We will meet in a neutral space before the event.
- NO sex.
- I do not accept underaged or people over forty.
- No pictures during the event.

So, Elliott seemed fine. I guess.

All of those rules freaked me out a little though.
Maybe he was a little strict.

Yeah, definitely not him.

I scrolled down and picked another.
Light brown curly hair and brown eyes.

Name: Zack M.

Age: 27


- No personal information.
- No sex.
- Payment per hour.
- We will agree on limits of intimacy before the event. Such as kisses, hugs, and touches.
- Not alcohol or drugs.

Zack didn't seem bad.
I'll keep him in mind.

I scrolled down a bit further and stopped at another profile that captivated me.
Light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
Ocean blue eyes.

Name: William T.

Age: 24


- No personal information.
- No sex.
- Have fun.

Have fun.

Okay, I guess I can work with that.

He was my age. He was handsome.
His price was affordable and it was only going to be for one day.

Niall said I should go for it, right?
Let's rent a date.

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