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So, a couple of days later, I was staring at Roman's and Christine's wedding invitation.

'Harry Styles plus one.'

I sighed. I knew what I needed to do.
I'm definitely scratching the plus one.

Louis hasn't unblocked me yet, and I had no hopes left.
I should have seen it coming, he was not meant to be with me.

I know he said he liked me, but if he is not brave enough to at least text me back, then it's clear he doesn't care. Right?

It took me a while to realize it. But I have always been right, I was better alone. And I didn't need anyone.
That was it.

I couldn't be sad for a man I've only seen four times, even if it was an intense experience.

I erased the 'rent a date' app from my phone so he couldn't reach me even if he tries to.
Ready to move on.

I had made up my mind about it.
It was time to tell the truth and forget about my stupid crush on Louis.

I told all of my friends to come to my flat that night, I bought some beers and I was going to confess.
I couldn't keep the lie any longer.

When the clock hit seven o'clock, Liam, Zayn and Mitch arrived at my place.
They wandered around, grabbed their beers and Liam started making some chips to eat as the night went by.

Like a half an hour later, Nick and Roman also made it and joined Mitch on the couch of my living room.

I was nervous and my hands were already sweating.
Take deep breaths, Harry. Everything is going to be fine.

Nearly eight o'clock Ed and Niall showed up at the door.

Everyone was here.
It 's now or never.

As everyone sat down and grabbed their beers, Liam placed the recently made chips on the table, making everyone scream in approbation.

Some of them started talking and laughing about some stupid joke Ed said.

I stood up in front of them, ready to talk.

"Okay, so I told you to come, because I need to tell you something."

"Are you getting married?!" - Liam yelled.

"Damn Niall, he really beat you." - Roman said.

"Congrats, man." - Nick added.

"No! Guys, please. This is important, please hear me out..."

"What is it mate?" - Ed said, finally paying attention to me.

"I've been lying to all of you..." - I said with my head down.

"About what?" - Liam interrupted.

"Just let him speak." - Niall said, giving me a reassuring nod from where he was sitting.

"William. He is not my boyfriend, he never was. William is not even his real name. I hired him through some app. Sort of a renting people for events app. I hired him because I didn't want to go to your weddings alone. But we were never anything. It was all acting."

They all paid attention to what I was saying, and after I finished, they remained silent.

"What?" - Zayn was the first to speak.

"I paid him to go as my date, he wasn't my boyfriend." - I said again, trying not to cry.

"Are you serious?" - Roman said, at the edge of a laugh.

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