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I wasn't going to update today, but I guess I just can't keep the chapters to myself, can I?

Btw, this story is going to have 25 chapters SO, only a few more til the end.

Thank you all for reading, commenting and voting. You all make my day better.

This chapter is so cute, I really hope you like it.

Mag 🦋


[ Louis' POV ]


"I don't know." - He said, biting his lips and staring at the entrance of the church.

I took his hand and intertwined our fingers.

"C'mon Harry, show some enthusiasm." - I said, poking his cheek with my free hand.

He wrinkled his nose and I smiled widely at him.

"I'm nervous."

"No need to be nervous, it's your friend's wedding."

"But with you."

"We had plenty of weddings together already, didn't we?" - I smirked.

"I guess."

I placed my hand on his neck, pulling him softly towards me, joining us on a sweet kiss.

"Better?" - I asked. He smiled and simply nodded. - "Great. Now, let's get inside." - I said, pulling him by his hand.

"Lou, I need to be with Mitch, so you're going to have to stay on your own until the reception."

"Can I go with you?"

"To Mitch's suite?"

"Yeah." - I shrugged.

"I am not sure if he would want you there."

"Nonsense, that weirdo loves me, I always make him laugh."

"You do?" - Harry asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, you'll see."

Harry laughed a little and guided me to the back of the church, avoiding the guests and relatives of the engaged couple.

We walked through some corridors, hand in hand, and he finally knocked on a door at the end of the hall.
Seconds later, Liam opened the door.

"Oh my God, William!" - He yelled once he landed his eyes on me. - "Guys, Harry brought him again!" - He started shouting, and soon enough everyone was staring at me from the frame door.

"Hi." - I said.

Those guys were all the freaking time together.
Are they stuck with glue or something?

"He is not William guys, remember?" - Harry said. - "He is Louis."

"So, you're not working anymore?" - Niall asked me and winked.

"No, thanks to you." - I smiled and squeezed Harry's hand.

"You're both welcome." - Niall said towards me and Harry.

"So?" - Zayn started. - "Are you guys together or what?"

I looked at Harry, not knowing exactly what to respond.
Harry looked back at me and smiled.

"Yes, we are." - He said without breaking eye contact with me and swinging our hands.

"That's lovely." - Zayn said.

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