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You all wanted Louis' pov and now it's here.

BUT it might not be what you were expecting.

This is actually a plot twist I've had in mind since chapter one. But now I had an excuse to put it earlier because it's from Louis' life that we didn't know much until now.
Otherwise you'll find out about it  at the same time as Harry in a few more chapters, and that's not fair,  right?

I'll not answer any questions about it. You'll have to wait.

Love you all, have a good day ✨

Mag 🦋


[ Louis' POV ]

It was so weird to see Harry like this.
Even more after I had kissed him.

He was less nervous around me, he was more free and completely happy.
I knew he had a few drinks, and maybe it had this effect on him. But it was really nice to actually watch him enjoy himself.
Watching him dance around with his friends, singing the songs that the dj continued playing, making jokes to me, and having a lot of drinks.

Because Harry continued drinking all evening, first wine, then beer and champagne, and God knows what else. Every time I saw him he was holding a glass of alcohol in his hand.

But it's not my job to look after him, right? He is a big grown man. He knows what he can take, and he knows the consequences.

I just enjoyed watching him from my seat. He was dancing so weird next to Niall, both of them bothering Mitch to make him stand up and dance with them.

I laughed loudly and shook my head. It was hilarious.
They were all so weird. What a weird group of friends he had.

Harry heard my laugh and looked up at me, locking his eyes with mine and smiling tenderly, his dimples on display.

He is cute.

I smiled back and gave him a little nod so he would continue dancing with his friends.
He still had the flower I gave him, tangled in his curls. It hadn't fallen yet.
And somehow it made me glad, he looked so sad when the first one flew away.

I felt the urge to give him an entire bucket of them so he can place a flower every day of his life.
It suited him so well, it was almost unbelievable.

I actually have been having a lot of fun around Harry today. And even though his friends were a bit intense sometimes, they were really funny too.

Suddenly the feeling of my phone ringing in my pocket made me snap out of my thoughts and take my eyes off Harry.

A new message from El 💜

'At what time do you come back today?'

I looked around me, making sure no one would watch what I was typing, before actually replying to my girlfriend.

'i'll be back by dinner time. But I'm too full to keep eating, so don't cook for me please.'

She replied seconds later.

'Ok, baby. See you tonight. Have fun.'

'Thanks, love ;)'

I felt someone coming from behind me and wrapping his arms around my neck. I quickly locked my phone and put it back in my pocket.

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