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What??? There's already 17 people reading this?
It's only been a day.

You're all insane, I just can't believe how many of you read all my ff and are still here, supporting me.

It blows my mind. For real.

I love you all 💖

Mag 🦋


"I did it."

"What?" - Niall asked from the other side of the line.

"I sent a message to a guy to hire him."

"Oh, that's good. How is he?"

"Really attractive."

"Nice, what did he tell you?"

"He didn't reply yet."

"So, technically he isn't hired yet."

"No, but he will."

"Unless he has plans for Friday already. Let's not forget it's only six days away, maybe he is a busy man."

"He will accept."

"If you are this sure. What do you know about him?"

"His name is William and he is my age."


"Yeah. Niall, I need you to not tell anyone about this, just let me pretend he is a normal date, okay?  I don't want to be embarrassed by the guys If they know he is fake or worse, if they find out I'm paying him. Please don't say anything."

"Sure. Your secret is safe with me. Let me know when William replies to you."

"I will, thanks man." - I giggled.

I hung up on him and started making breakfast.
I was caught up on thinking about the message I sent to William yesterday night.
Was it okay? Was I impolite ? Or maybe too confident?
What If he did have plans already? Shit, too many doubts.

What's happening to me?
And why still he didn't reply?

Yes, I was anxious.
Yes, I needed an answer.

I clicked on his profile again and stared at his picture.

Damn. He was surely a dominant.
All of his tattoos, his muscles, his jawline. Everything about him was attractive.

I took one more look at his picture before changing the app to Spotify. I needed music while I took a shower. I needed music to start my day.

Suddenly, when I was about to get in the shower I saw that William had answered me.

'Hello, Harry. Thanks for choosing me. First thing I need to know is what kind of event is and when.'

I replied:

'Hello William. It is a wedding and it's held this Friday at noon.'

'This Friday? And you took this long to search for company? What did you think? That you were going to find the prince charming a week before the event? 😜'


'Sorry, that was rude, I was just joking. I'm free this Friday, we can set it up.'

'Really? Cool.'

'Yes, well. Let's set the ground rules.'


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