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[ Louis' POV ]

Some days had passed and I couldn't stop thinking about Harry.
Harry's smile, Harry's laugh, Harry's hair, Harry's hand in mine, Harry's arms around me while we danced, Harry's lips when we kissed, Harry's fingers in my hair, Harry's breathing when he was sleeping wrapped in my arms, Everything about him just kept repeating in my mind.

And even if I wanted to go running to his house again and take him out to a real date hand in hand I knew I couldn't.

That couldn't be happening to me.
And what had happened between us that night was just a mistake.

He was a client.
Just. A. Client.

And he isn't mine.



"I've been calling you for like five minutes."

"Sorry El."

"Yeah, whatever. I was telling you that I want to go out."

"I don't feel like it."


I sighed.

"Aren't you tired of this?"

"Of what?"

"Of faking that we love each other."

She froze.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. We are together just because we got used to it, not because we want it."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"I want to discuss it."

"Is this because that Harry guy? You like him?"

"What? How do you…?"

"I saw the message he sent to you."

"What? What message?"

"The one in that app you work for."

"Harry sent me a message?!"

I didn't give her any time to reply because I was already running to my room to get my job phone out of my drawer.
I scrolled down the messages on the app and found Harry's chat, opened a week ago, and buried under other recent chats.

What is this message?
I didn't write this.


She blocked him.

"Why did you block him Eleanor?!" - I yelled, while returning to the living room.

"Because I thought it was a stalker."


I quickly unblocked him and started typing.

'Harry, there was a misunderstanding. Please don't be mad.'

I pressed send.
The message was never delivered.


"Lou, what's wrong?" - She said, walking towards me and caressing my arm.

"El, please."

"I want to know."

"Just leave me alone!" - I said, getting away from her grip.

"I didn't know he was important to you. I'm sorry."

I closed my eyes and sighed. Trying to contain my anger.

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