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So, I was feeling bad for not updating this week, so here I am.


Hope you all love this chapter as much as I do, remember only three more chapters left...

Love you all ❤️
Btw, thank you all so much for the 600 votes! It means a lot really 🥺🥺

Mag 🦋

[ Harry's POV ]

It took me a few months to get used to Louis' job, and eventually I stopped crying over it.
He was really comprehensive and every day after an event he explained everything that happened and reassured me that he only thought about me the entire time, and that he was just acting.

I believed him.

Besides, he always came back with a flower in hand, all of them with different tiny meanings, but at the end of the day they only meant one big thing: I love you.

And just like that it reminded me of how lucky I am to have him.
Even though sometimes I feel like he is giving me more than what I give him.

That's a current thought lately.
As the days went on in our relationship I started to feel like he is constantly pendent of me, of making me feel good, and that I wasn't giving him the same attention, caring and love he was giving me.

And it was killing me.

Today, it was Saturday and I was waiting for Louis to come home from an event he had at noon.
He has been staying here lately, because his flat is still shared with Eleanor. But, I really didn't mind, I loved having him around.

I prepared some pasta for tonight and, with all the thoughts spinning around in my mind, I figured that I should do something else. Something to show him how much I care for him.
So I set some pendant lights on the ceiling, I turned all the main lights off and I also lit some candles.

I was standing In front of the mirror of the bathroom, throwing perfume at myself, knowing Louis would arrive at any moment, as I tried to remember everything I wanted to say to him.

I heard the sound of the door closing and his voice coming from the living room, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Curly, I'm home."

"Be right there." - I said, taking a last breath and encouraging myself to go out.

"Here you are." - He said, walking towards me and wrapping his arms around me from my back.

I smiled at him through the mirror and he tilted his head to place a kiss on the back of my neck.

"Why are you all dressed up? Are we going somewhere?"

"No, I made dinner for us here, but I thought it could be like a date?" - I said as I placed my arms over his', just below my ribcage.

"That's why all the lights are off?" - He asked while placing sporadic kisses on my neck.

"Yes." - I sighed.

"Any special reason?"  - He mumbled into the crock of my neck.

"I want us to connect more, I guess." - I said, doubtfully.

"Mhm?" - He said while nibbling on the side of my throat.

"Lou, stop doing that."

"With such a beauty that I have as a boyfriend I find that hard to do." - He whispered into my neck, still prowling his lips on my skin.

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