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Soooooo!  I'm back.
And I want to tell you something.

May 2nd is next week, right?


Yeah, I was born in the middle of Hogwarts Battle.
At the same time my beloved Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks died, I was entering this world.

Lucky me.

Well, I don't know why am I telling you this. I guess I'm just excited.

This chapter is absolutely beautiful, so much fluff ahead. 🥺🙈

I hope you like it, love you.
Mag 🦋


"Sit there and close your eyes." - I said, pointing at a bench in the middle of the garden.

"I feel like you are completely drunk, Lou." - He laughed and sat on the bench. - "I'm scared."

"I'm not drunk!" - I said and laughed. - "Just stay there and close your eyes."

"Sure." - Harry said, rolling his eyes, before closing them for good.

I turned on my feet, looking around the garden just to see what I could find.
There were a couple of beautiful flowers all spread around the different bushes and plants, but none of them seemed right.
Until I saw them.

I quickly searched in my mind for their meaning and I knew that was it.

I picked a few from the garden, trying not to ruin the plant itself, and made daisy crown out of them.
I placed it in my hair to measure it, just to make sure it would fit Harry.

I smiled to myself, it was good.

I returned to where I had left Harry sitting and placed myself in front of him, kneeling down on one knee in the ground.

"Ok, you can open your eyes." - I said, extending the daisy crown in front of me. - "I know you're going to say I'm a sap or a dork and that I do cliché things, but I know you love it and I have to admit that I love being cliché for you." - I said and he laughed.

"Fair enough. Continue." - He smiled.

"I don't have much to say because earlier today I made a whole speech of why I like you and why I want to be with you. And I'm not going to repeat myself. So Harry Styles, I hope you take this flower crown and put it in your beautiful head, and I hope that you like it. Because that's what daisies mean, they mean hope. And I really hope that you take me as your boyfriend officially."

"Louis..." - he sighed.

"What do you say?" - I smiled.

He shook his head and laughed, then he took the crown in his hands and placed it on his hair, replacing the Pink Camellia I gave him earlier that day. Then he slipped it on his blazer pocket, just like mine.
I watched every single one of his moves in admiration.

"You didn't need to do this." - He laughed.

"I still didn't hear you say yes, baby."

He rolled his eyes and smiled widely at me.

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