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How's everyone doing?

This chapter is kinda shitty, but next one is going to be great. ✨

Mag 🦋


After Ed's wedding I couldn't stop replaying that night for the whole week.
I had that reminiscence of an almost perfect night still tingling in my mind.

Louis' flower was still in a vase in my living room, just waiting to shrivel up.
Sometimes I look at it and think about its meaning. Readiness.

What did he mean by giving that to me?
What was his reason?

Something just kept feeling odd about it, but extremely right at the same time.

I snapped out of my thoughts, remembering I had a place to be.

After choosing a perfect outfit to go out, picking my stuff and doing my hair, I was ready.
I quickly took my car keys and my wallet, going out of my flat. Ready to spend a great night with my friends.

Today was Saturday and it was Zayn's bachelor party. Nothing big, we were just going to a bar and getting drunk.

Of course Liam had told me to invite Louis too.
But I wouldn't. I just needed to come up with an excuse.

All of my friends kept going on about how great William was, and how much they liked him.
What a pity he is fake.

They didn't make me feel any better though.
Lying was hard. And they got attached too quickly.

Of course the first thing they asked when I arrived was about William.

"Where is he?" - Liam asked.

"Why is he not coming?" - Zayn asked.

"Did he not like us? He was so funny." - Roman added.

"He even made Mitch laugh." - Ed said.

"Yeah, he is a keeper." - Liam added.

"He is not coming, guys. Put up with it." - I answered.

"Why?" - They all said at unison.

Okay, I was overwhelmed. They really liked Louis.

"I don't know guys, he said he had some things to do. He will go to the wedding though." - I said and Niall, who was surprisingly quiet, raised an eyebrow at me.

"He is so gorgeous." - Nick said and Meshach, his soon to be husband, hit him in the arm.

"It was really nice to meet him, he is lovely around you." - Ed said.

"You make a really hot couple." - Roman said.

"Okay, guys that's enough. Leave Harry alone." - Niall interrupted.

"What? Niall, you're always the first to ask everything about our new partners." - Roman said.

"Yeah, what's wrong with you? William is our new favorite topic of conversation." - Ed said.

"Yeah, but tonight is about Zayn." - I said.

"True." - Nick said.

"But Zayn is boring." - Roman said.

"Oh, shut up!" - Zayn replied.

At that moment the waiter came to take our orders. All of us asked for beers to start. We didn't want to be that drunk just yet. The night had just begun.

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