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So, this chapter is mostly Harry talking to himself.
Buuuuuut is kinda cute in my opinion.

So, hope you enjoy it :)

Btw, thanks for the 200 votes guys, this is AMAZAYN.

Mag 🦋


The worst part of having decided to not hire Louis anymore was to face my friends.
But I needed to do it with all of them at the same time, and for that I needed to think through what exactly I was going to tell them.

First one I told was of course Niall, separeted from the rest.
I invited him over the following day of making my decision.

He was very comprehensive and said that I was making the right call. I needed to end everything and tell the truth as soon as possible.
Because he also knew that most of my friends were getting a little attached to William.

So I needed to rip the bandaid fast.

But after two days of procrastination, and not making my mind of how to tell them, Liam called me to confirm if I was going to bring William with me to his wedding.

'I don't know yet' I said to him.

And what for? Just to not hurt his feelings. He seemed pretty excited about Louis coming to his wedding.
Besides, I was the best man and I didn't want to be the one that ruined his happiness.
And I kinda felt like I was about to do it.

I hung up the phone and collapsed on my bed, looking at the ceiling and sighed.

This was harder than I thought it would.

I looked at my bedside table and found that the two flowers Louis had given me were dead.
It made me sad at some point, but I knew they wouldn't last forever.

Just like Louis.
He wouldn't last forever either.

I reluctantly stood up and went to the kitchen to throw them on the bin and clean the vase.

There it goes my last remains of Louis.


Three days had passed and guilt was consuming me. I still hadn't talked to my friends and Niall was constantly reminding me that.
I knew I had to do it soon, because Liam's wedding was getting closer.
But something kept stopping me.

Because somehow I was yearning to talk to Louis again.

I was somehow waiting for him to text me first, because even if we weren't exactly anything I'd like to be his friend. Because being friends with Louis sounds like fun.
And it would allow me to spend time with him, to hug him friendly, to have him near, and just contemplate him. As friends.

And a part of me also wanted to ask him to come to the wedding with me.

It was stupid honestly. I couldn't be friends with Louis, he was probably faking being fond of me. He was faking the kisses, the tenderness, the touches and everything I kept replaying in my head.

All fake. All acting.

He was just doing his job, Harry. Stop thinking about it.

And to add pressure on me, as if I didn't have enough yet, Liam texted again that day.

'is William coming yes or no?'

'I still don't know, Liam!'


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