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So, it's not edited. It probably has mistakes and stuff.
I was just lazy to re read it like I always do.

Louis' POV  this one. For everyone who asked for it.

Mag 🦋


[Louis' POV]

It took me two days to answer Harry's message.

'Hello little ocean, how have you been?'

That innocent text he sent at two in the morning while I was in bed with my girlfriend.

What did he want?

I couldn't answer him at two a.m.
It wasn't professional.

And my relationship with Harry is only professional.

I read it and closed the app. I wasn't going to answer him.

But then on Monday I opened the app again, and saw that message. I felt guilty for not reply ing to him, and also I felt weirdly interested in him and what he wanted.
Even though he made clear he didn't want to hire me again. It was weird to accept that maybe just maybe I had grown fond of him.

You're going to drive me crazy, aren't you, Harry?

But it was alright. He needed to come clean to his friends. It was the right call.
To stop lying and faking in front of them.
And I couldn't be the one in the middle of it.

But I also can't deny I had thought about him during these past weeks.
And here he was a month later, texting me.
And I was extremely curious about it.

So I decided to answer him.
Maybe he just wanted to thank me, it wouldn't hurt to just type a reply. Right?

So I did.

I froze when I saw his response though.
He wanted me to go with him to the wedding. Again.

And It scared me what I felt in that moment. Because suddenly I felt my body tremble and my mouth forming a smile.
It scared me to think that he could make my heart race that hard.

Louis you have a girlfriend.

So I lied. I told him I was busy.


It was Saturday already, and I woke up only to think about Harry going to that wedding alone. And somehow I didn't want it to happen.

And I knew it was bad. Because if I was thinking that, it meant that I was developing some kind of friendship with him, some kind of feelings towards him.
And It was bad.

But Liam's wedding was today. And I felt the urge to go. To show up at Harry's door and surprise him.

But maybe he hired someone else.

No, he couldn't.
He isn't going to lie to his friends again. Right?

So it was a good action I was doing. My good action of the week. Go and help Harry in front of his friends and not let him make a fool of himself.

It was like charity at some point.

Yeah, Louis. That's it.

So before regretting my impulsive decision, I got dressed and rushed downstairs to enter Lottie's Flower shop.

"Lot! I need a flower!" - I said as I abruptly opened the door, scaring some customers with the noise.

"Hey, calm down." - She said from behind her desk.

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