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Well, I guess I owe you an explanation.
I'm not being able to write and update daily as I used to.
You may have noticed by now.

I'm dealing with a lot of anxiety and stress lately.
And I can't sleep at night or eat during the day.
I'm not doing well.

But writing always helps, when I find the motivation to do it, of course .

I have plenty of ideas for this story, so I'm not leaving it on hold. Don't panic about that.

I'll just update two or three times a week instead
of  every day.

I guess my biggest fear is that you all will stop reading this if I don't update as much as I usually do in my other fics.

Silly, right?

Well, thanks for everything.
Enjoy this chapter!

Mag 🦋


So, Friday came really fast.
Actually faster than I thought.

Liam had helped me pick a suit for Ed's wedding and he couldn't stop from asking who was the mysterious guy I would bring with me during the whole evening.
So, Ed told him.

Zayn also called me when he found out I was bringing a plus one, ready to ask me who he was, and I hung up on him.
Ed told him too.

Same happened later with Nick.
Ed told every single one of them. Didn't he?

All of my friends were unbearable about that topic, asking and torturing me to at least give them his name.
I didn't say a word though.

They should wait until Friday.

But Friday was today.
And I was nervous as hell.

I thought about texting Niall, but he surely was busy with Amelia.

I couldn't stop all these questions that were wandering around in my mind.
What if William was a catfish?
It couldn't be, right? He had good reviews on his profile.

What if he didn't like me and he cancel the date?

What if he was a serial killer?

I had given him my address by message earlier today and I was seriously praying he wasn't a serial killer.

I had my hands all sweaty and my breathing was uneven.
Damn. I was so nervous.

I changed into my suit, did my hair, and threw some cologne on while I waited for him.
He said he would be here at 5pm and it's 5.02.

Where is he?

I sat on my couch and played with my phone for a while, changing into different apps but always ending on William's profile picture of the 'rent a date' app.

I was starting to panic that he wasn't going to show up when the doorbell rang.

Just be cool, Harry.

I stood up and went to the door, taking a deep breath before opening the door.
I nearly dropped my phone when I saw the beautiful creature behind it.
Gorgeous blue eyes and light brown messy hair.
Elegant and classy suit, a pink flower on his pocket and another one on his hand.

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