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Mag 🦋


Louis and I were both paying attention at the beautiful ceremony in front of us, Zayn and Gigi giving their vows to each other, taking hands and placing their rings on each other's hands.
She had a beautiful white dress and a lilacs bucket on her hands.
Liam was standing behind Zayn, as his best man, holding the rings.

I couldn't stop myself from crying. Zayn loved Gigi so much and it showed in their faces. They were just irradiating happiness.

I sobbed and tried to clean my tears with the back of my hand.
Louis looked at me and giggled, he handed me a tissue from his pocket and he returned to look at the front.

I pouted and hit his arm.

"Don't laugh at me."

He smiled and ended up taking my hand to caress my knuckles, giving me some comfort with still an amused look on his face.

"It's just so beautiful." - I whispered and Louis giggled again.

"You're the most cliché person that I've ever worked for." - He whispered back.

"I don't like you."

"We both know that's a lie." - He smirked and I turned around again to look at the front, ignoring the tickles in my stomach after Louis' comment.

The photographer was capturing the moment when Zayn kissed Gigi to seal their wedding vows. And yes, they were crying as well.

As the ceremony finished and the recently married couple had walked out, we all followed them to the reception.

It was also outside, but in a place with more trees and flowers around us, filled with little lights, plus the sun rays entering from in between the leafs of the trees, making beautiful shadows over the grass.

If sometime I ever get married. I want this.

Louis and I found the little 'Harry plus one' label in one of the tables, next to Niall and Amelia, Ed and Cherry, and Mitch and Sarah.
Louis sat down and I did the same, waiting for the food to arrive.

At least the only one we had to deal with was Ed now.
Niall didn't pay attention to Louis during the entire lunch, Mitch was being Mitch, Cherry and Amelia were chatting to each other, and only Sarah and Ed were the ones having an actual conversation with Louis, but it wasn't uncomfortable at all, they were talking about music.

So it was good.

I was having a lot of wine though. So everything felt lighter.

Suddenly the photographer came to our table behind Zayn and Gigi.
Photo time.

They made us all stand up and smile towards the camera and it was awkward.
Not for them, but for me.
Because I started to think.

If Louis was here, Louis was going to stay in their wedding pictures forever, because photos last a lifetime, while Louis is only going to be here for tonight.
And only because I'm paying him.

And while I'm lying to my friends. This lie would be immortalized in their photos.

And maybe in a few years when they look back at this moment they are going to be mad at me for bringing him.
Or even worse, they could be mad at me for lying to them. Or maybe they will stop talking to me when they find out I lied and in a few years we won't even be friends anymore.

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