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"You're being weird."

"I am not."

"Yes, you are." - I insisted.

"Harry, I'm fine." - Niall answered.

"No, you're not."

"Niall, tell him already." - Liam said.


"No, guys. It's not the time."

"Harry is a grown up man, he can handle it." - Zayn said.

"Have you seen how he got after Roman's wedding?" - Niall said.

"Guys, I'm right here." - I said, clearly annoyed.

"Sorry H."

"You need to tell me something?" - I insisted.

"No." - Niall said.

"Yes, he does." - Liam and Zayn said at unison.

"Tell me."

"Harry, maybe it is best if…"

"Tell me!" - I insisted.

"Fuck, ok. I don't want you to get depressed."

"I won't."

"Okay… " - He sighed. - "I proposed to Amelia."


"I'm getting married." - Niall said, carefully.




Why are all of them getting married?
Why can't I have some of that too?

"Well, congrats man. That 's awesome." - I said, standing up and hugging him.

I hate my life.

"Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It was last week, I just thought you were in a dark place to handle the news." - Niall said, breaking the hug.

So my friends think I'm weak. Nice way to find out.

"Nonsense. I'm happy for you and Amelia. You're such a good couple."

"Thanks buddy." - Niall smiled shyly.

"So, I'm the last one to find out?" - I asked him.

"Yes, sorry for that too. But I've been wanting to ask you if you would be my best man?"

"Yes, of course yes mate!" - I said and ran to hug him again.

"Cool." - Niall smiled.


I looked at the mirror and sighed.
Those bow ties for Mitch's wedding were disgusting.
Completely awful.

Only three more weddings left.
I can survive it.

As I was trying my best men suit for Mitch's and Sarah's wedding, I stared at my calendar to count the days left.
Three more days until their wedding.

Since roman's wedding I had started to cross the days for the rest of them.
I just needed this torture to end.

Three days for Mitch's, eleven days for Nick's and Niall's didn't have a date yet, but it would probably be in about three months.

It was just exhausting and depressing.

I sighed and looked at the mirror again.

C'mon Harry, you can survive it.

I was about to take the suit out when the doorbell of my flat rang.

I can't open like this.

"Wait a minute!"

I rushed to change my clothes into some sweatpants and a shirt, not worrying about my bare feet, and running to open the door.

I opened it to see a man standing on the other side. It was the doorman of my building.
And he was holding an enormous bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"What is this?" - I asked.

"Someone came to the door and told me to give it to you."


"A blonde girl."


"I don't know, she didn't say any names. But I think that it has a note somewhere. Anyways, it's yours. I have to get back downstairs."

"Sure, yeah. Thanks." - I said, still astonished by the size of the bucket.

He handed it to me and turned around. I closed the door and returned to the living room.

The bouquet had two different types of flowers, one dark blue and one white.

I quickly searched for the note and found it at the edge of the wrapping paper. It said:

'Curly, I really am sorry for everything that happened. I wish I could explain, but I promise that everything will fall into place soon.
I know you're probably mad, and I hope these flowers make you feel better for now.
Maybe you can put them in your hair, because they'll look amazing there.

Anyway, if you know me a little you'll know that I pick each flower for their meanings. :)

Hopefully, I'll see you soon.'

It was Louis' handwriting.

It was a gift from Louis.
To me.
He sent me flowers.

After all this time.

What for?

I frowned.
He can't show up out of nowhere, two months after he disappeared into thin air and pretend that everything is alright.

How did he dare to do that?
He doesn't have the right to send me flowers after blocking me, after ignoring my texts, after leaving me alone and depressed.

I threw the whole bucket in the kitchen sink and returned to my room.

I don't deserve being treated like that.


Later that day, after cleaning the whole flat, having a shower and eating dinner, I sat on the couch to watch some Netflix.

But, even if I wanted to concentrate on the flat screen, I couldn't.
Because curiosity took over me and I suddenly wanted to know what the flowers meant.
Why did Louis send those specific types? Why did he bother?

I saved the bouquet from the sink where I had dropped them and started searching for the flower species on google. Trying to find their meanings.

And what I found left me in a daze.

Specie: Blue Salvia - Meaning:  I think of you.

Specie : White Camellia - Meaning: You're adorable.

I think of you, you're adorable.

I think of you, you're adorable.

Fuck Louis. Why do you have to be so cheesy?

I didn't know when it started, but I found myself drowning in my own tears, sobbing and trembling. While I clinged to the bouquet, squeezing it into my chest.

I swear that if you keep giving me hopes and you never show up again Louis, I'll be devastated for life.


This one is a bit short, but I'm just preparing you for Louis' POV  in the next one....

Hope you all have a great day!

Mag 🦋

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