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This took me like four hours and it has 2200 words. So enjoy ❤️

Mag 🦋


[ Harry's POV. ]

So Liam was freaking out inside his suite, and Niall and I, as his best men, were trying to calm him down.
There were only ten minutes left until the wedding started, and we couldn't keep him still.
Liam was walking from side to side inside the room, swearing and screaming that he was not going to do it, that nothing was going to change his mind, that he could give his suit and all to anyone else who wants to get married instead of him. He didn't even care about the spent money.

"You know what? You need to stop thinking about it. You love Maya, you proposed to her, you planned this whole beautiful wedding for her and for yourself, you're not backing down. You just need to keep your mind busy with something else." - I said, taking him by his arms and forcing him to stop spinning like a carrousel.

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that Harry is probably going to get drunk and ruin your party." - Niall said.

"Oh, shut up! I won't drink tonight."

"You know I'll kill you if you do something embarrassing, right?" - Liam said.

"Yes. I promise I won't. Besides, Louis wouldn't let me anyway."

"Louis?" - Liam asked.


"I meant William. Will. My boyfriend."

"You just said Louis, Harry."

"It's his second name. His middle name. I just like to mess with him. He doesn't like his middle name, so don't mention it to him. Please keep it a secret. It's William for you."

I was really awful at lying.
I just can't stop rambling.

Niall was looking at me with an annoyed look on his face.

"You're so stupid." - He said.

Luckily, Liam stopped questioning me about Louis when his sister entered the room to tell him he should go downstairs to start the ceremony.


During the whole ceremony I stood up behind Liam, paying attention to the preach speech and Liam's and Maya's vows. Maya looked like a princess with a wonderful pastel pink dress, because she didn't want to wear white, and a silver crown resting on her hair.
They both were smiling non stop and there was no doubt that they were happily in love with each other.

From time to time I took a look to where Louis was sitting, next to Roman and his fiance Christine. He locked his eyes with mine and smiled.

Beautiful blue ocean eyes.
So pretty to look at.
So hypnotic.

And that went on for the rest of the ceremony. Just me looking sporadically at his direction to find him staring at me as well, smiling at me and making me feel the butterflies in my stomach.

Harry you're so whipped.


After the ceremony ended, we all reunited at the reception as the recently married went back to their suites to change their clothes.
Louis was quick to grab my arm and take me away from my friends, far enough for them to not hear our conversation.

"I thought you hired me to be your date, not to date your friends. They are so annoying."

I laughed.

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