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Ok, so I wanted to clarify something.
When I write my stories I always try to make them different from each other

One of the things I do (you probably already noticed) is picking new pet names

Such as  Louly-pad in LIB , My knight in shining armor in By accident, or Bunny in DUIH. So I don't get bored while writing.

Here they are going to be Little Ocean and Curly 💚

The other thing I do is finding catching phrases or things to make their personalities.
Such as 'you can kiss me if you want to' in By accident or 'you're dismissed' in DUIH.
In LIB I made Harry fan of how I met your mother, and a lot of things had to do with that.
I try to find patterns, you know?

Here, Louis will have a thing for flowers and their meanings.

I hope this clarify how my mind works.

It's weird. But I like it weird.
(That was kindergarten catching phrase if you don't remember.)

Hope you like this chapter 💜✨

Mag 🦋


"Take my hand."


"Take my hand, Harry." - He said, extending his hand towards me before entering the hotel.

I did as he told me and he intertwined our fingers.

"It's weird."

"I know, but I need you to follow my lead in this. I know what I'm doing, it's my job, remember?"

"Sure, Okay."

"I need you to tell me who are the people we are trying to convince."

"My friends, and their partners."


"Mmm, the one who is getting married today is Ed. With his soon to be wife Cherry. Then we have Liam, Zayn, Niall, Nick, Roman and Mitch. Each of them with their partners."

"Okay. What about the family of the groom?"

"I know them, but it's not like they are going to judge. Just focus on my friends."

"Perfect. C'mon." - He said, pulling me inside.

Inside the hotel, an employee guided us to an internal garden where they had made a beautiful flower arch and an altar at the end, plenty of chairs decorated in silver and gold, and a carpet with white rose petals in the middle of the seats, making the aisle look elegant and romantic at the same time.
It was all really beautiful.

"So, where are they?" - Louis asked.

"Harry! You're here!"

There they are.
And they were coming towards us.

I turned to Louis and smiled shyly.

"Just act natural." - He giggled.

"Hey mate! We were waiting for you." - Liam said, approaching us.

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