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Well I wrote this while I was on the hairdresser dyeing my hair 🙈

How's everyone doing?

Mag 🦋


[ Harry's POV ]

I woke up not really knowing where I was or even who I was.
Those awful moments when you don't know what time it is, why you are waking up, what day of the week it is, if you are late for something, or even if you have something to do that day.

How did I even make it to my bed?

I was spread on my mattress in between my sheets, the sun rays entering through my window and I guessed it was nearly midday.
My head was exploding and my breath and body smell was awful.
I wanted to take a shower, but I could barely move from my bed.

It was going to be a long day.

I took my phone from the bedside table to find it turned off. It's battery must have died during the night.

By the side of it there was the flower Louis had given me, and just by looking at it, lonely and softly placed on the table, it hit me.
Louis gave me his own flower when mine fell while we were dancing, then he kissed me and I felt like fucking flying.

Harry stop it. Don't get attached.

I took a deep breath and pushed all my thoughts about Louis aside.
It's not like I was going to see him anytime soon.

He was just doing his job.

I connected my phone to the charger and took all the strength I had to get up and go to the bathroom.
I was still wearing my clothes from last night, but I first went to the sink to wash my teeth and my face. I brushed my hair and put it on a bun.

That's better.

I threw some deodorant and headed to the bedroom again to change my clothes when the doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting my actions.

Who the hell is bothering me now?

I walked towards the door and opened it tiredly.

"Hey." - He said from the frame door.

He is here.


"I'm William for you." - He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

My head was hurting, I wasn't in the mood for jokes, or laughs, or just sounds at all.
But his laugh was something else, and even if I was hungover, It made me smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Last night you were too drunk to pay me. So I'm here to get my money and to also check on you. I sent you a message to see if you were home, but you didn't reply, so… I'm here. You were really bad yesterday. I hope this can make you feel a bit better."  - He said, handing me flowers.

"Unh, thanks." - I said, taking the flowers out of his hands. - "Does this one have a meaning?" - I said while trying to smell it's arome.

"Yeah, it is a thyme and it means Courage and strength. You know, for some things you told me yesterday?" - He said and I frowned. - "In the car? Don't you remember?"

"What did I tell you?"

"About being a failure and stuff." - He said, playing with his fingers.

"What? Oh shit. I'm sorry. I must have thrown all my problems to you."

"No, it's okay. Can't blame a drunk guy. But yeah, I thought this flower would make you feel better."

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