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[ Harry's POV ]

After a week of Mitch's wedding and only one day to go to Nick's one, I was heading home from work. Thinking about going with Louis, and maybe match our outfits.

I smiled to myself.

Yeah, I'm sure Louis won't say no to that.

I actually could ask him about it tonight, since we were having dinner together. I had in mind a meal to cook for both of us in my flat, and I might ask him to stay the night.

He hasn't stayed the night yet, I mean it's only been a week since we became official. But we've seen each other every day of the week already, sometimes after my morning run to have some coffee, and sometimes during the evening after I came back from work.
It was all going really good to be honest.

I entered my building and after changing my clothes into something that I thought Louis would like, for our non-date, I quickly went to the kitchen to prepare dinner before he arrived.

The doorman at the entrance of the building already knew him, so he just let Louis inside and he made his walk into my flat without worries. So it wasn't a surprise when I heard him knocking on my door.

I grinned and took a look in the mirror before going to the door.
I opened the flat door and there he was, handing me a lilac flower.

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful human." - He said with a ridiculous bow.

I couldn't contain the smile forming on my lips.

"You don't have to bring me a flower every day, Lou. Your sister is going to hate you." - I said and he shrugged.

"She hates me already."

"Ok, what does this one mean, you sap?" - I said, taking it from his hand and pulling him to me, closing the gap between us.

"Daintiness." - He smiled as he leaned to kiss my lips. - "I thought it was perfect for you. All bright and beautiful, but delicate at the same time."

I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him to kiss me deeply.

"Thanks." - I smiled.

"You're welcome."

"I have to go back to the kitchen before I burn our dinner, though." - I said, pulling out of the grip.

"Okay, can I stay around and chat with you?"

"Sure." - I smiled.

We walked into the kitchen and I turned to check on the oven, feeling how Louis sat on the counter behind me.

"Lou, I was thinking, maybe we can match our outfits for tomorrow." - I said as I checked on the food.

"What 's tomorrow?"

"Nick's wedding." - I said, turning around and looking at him.

Louis was typing on his phone and not paying attention to me.

"Lou?" - I insisted.

"What? Sorry babe. I didn't hear you." - He said looking up from the screen, locking his eyes with mine again.

"I asked you if you wanted to match outfits for Nick's wedding, you said you were coming."

"Mhm, sure." - He nodded and smiled, then went back to his phone.

"It's tomorrow, so maybe we should plan it today?"

"Tomorrow you said?" - He looked up again, this time with a frown on his face.

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