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"Want to move things up to my bed?" - I said after a couple of minutes of making out with Louis on the couch.

Because yes, I was making out with Louis.

He kissed my lips once again and nodded.

"Yes curly."

I smiled and took Louis' wrist, taking him with me to my bedroom.
With both of our shirts off and shoes spread all over the room, we slipped under the blankets.
Both laying on our sides, just staring at each other with, what I like to call, heart eyes.

Louis ran one of his hands on my sides, pushing me closer to him and closing the gap between us and tilting his head to fit in the crook of my neck.

"I like your tattoos." - He whispered into my ear, making me moan softly.

"I like yours too."

He bit on my earlobe and started kissing all the way down my jawline.

"Your skin is so soft."

I dropped my head into the pillow, giving him more access to do whatever he pleased with me. I just closed my eyes and let myself go with the feeling of his lips. I felt high, so high that I never wanted to come down again.

"If you say so."

"So kissable." - He whispered.

"Mhm..." - I said, still feeling numb by his touches in my body, sending shivers through my spine.

Louis giggled.

"That's enough for tonight, curly."

"What?" - I opened my eyes abruptly.

He kissed me shortly in the lips and snuggled down the covers, gripping on my torso and kissing my face sweetly.

"We have to sleep."

I pouted for a second but then I gave up, Curling up into him just to feel him closer.

Louis and I didn't do much other than kissing tenderly and sweetly talking until I fell asleep clinging to his torso.
And in the morning was the same. I woke up with the feeling of another body weighting by my side in bed, making me smile and sighed in happiness.

I opened my eyes just to find Louis' features completely relaxed and snoring softly in my ear.

I giggled slightly, not wanting to wake him up.
I lifted my hand and ran his fringe out of his eyes, admiring his bone structure and the way his eyelids moved in his sleep.

He was just perfect.

I kissed softly the tip of his nose and I caressed his arm which was wrapped around me.

"Little ocean." - I said softly.


"Lou." - I whispered again.


"It's morning already. I don't know if you have to do something today, so I just thought of waking you up."

He abruptly opened his eyes.

"Harry? Shit. Is morning already?" - He said, standing up quickly from my bed and looking around to grab his clothes and things spread on the floor.

I watched him nervously walking from side to side in the room.

"You have somewhere to be?"

He ignored me and picked his phone from my nightstand, he sighed in frustration, running his hands on his hair.

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