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[ Louis' POV ]

"So how was the event today?" - Harry asked when I got home.

I smiled tiredly and sighed.

"Fine I guess."

"Are you tired?"

I hugged him shortly and handed him a flower, before crashing on the couch.

"Kinda. It was a long wedding, I danced a lot."

"More than what you dance with me?" - He said, collapsing on the couch next to me.

"Never." - I smiled softly. - "Still tired though. I think I'll just go to sleep."

"So soon?" - He pouted.

"I would love you to join me, I missed you a lot." - I said, taking his hand in mine.

"Missed you too. What does this flower mean? Is a Calla, right?"

"Yes. It means Beauty. You like it?"

"Yes." - He smiled and cuddled against my chest.

I sighed and hugged him closer.

"My baby." - I said while caressing his hair.

"You're working a lot lately. I barely see you." - He whispered.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm also really tired."

"Okay, go to bed."

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"Nope. I still have some things to do." - He said, standing up from the couch and heading to the kitchen.

I frowned but walked to our room either way.


The following week, I got home absolutely shattered after an event again.

"How was work today?" - Harry asked from the kitchen.


"What did you do?"

"Pretend I was the lover of this really old man. It was disgusting. But I made good money out of it." - I shrugged.

"Was it really worth it?"

"I don't know."

"You had to kiss an old man, Louis. I'm pretty sure it wasn't worth it."

"Maybe. Please don't start babe."

"Is it the man who is obsessed and talks to you everyday?"

"Yeah that's the one." - I said while rubbing my eyes.

"You told me you were going to block him."

"I was going to. But he pays really good money."

"I don't like it." - Harry said abruptly.

I looked at him and took a deep breath.

"I don't want to have this conversation."


"I'm tired."

"Sure." - Harry said sarcastically.

"Curly, please."


"You're doing a jealousy scene."

"No, I'm not! I'm fucking worried about you! That grandpa is obsessed with you, you told me he touches you more than he should, that he wanted to kiss you after the events, and you continue to accept his requests. I don't get it!"

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