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Well, I can't believe I'm saying this! But here you have the final chapter of Rent a Date.

Thank you for being with me through this journey, this book was my getaway almost everyday, and it means a lot that you all stayed here and read it.

Of course that I still have to publish the epilogue, so don't cry yet!

I love you all, thanks for reading this.

Mag 🦋


[ Harry's POV ]

"Harry baby, I'm home!"

"Hey." - I smiled when Louis showed up in the living room and wrapped his arms around my waist, pecking my lips softly.

"It's rude not to say hello to us, Louis." - Roman said from behind us.

"Yeah, I'm offended." - Ed added.

"Oh, no. What are they doing here?" - Louis sighed with a laugh.

"Just checking on us." - I shrugged.

"I feel like they are controlling me." - He whispered in my ear, making me giggle.

"They probably are." - I laughed.

"We are good people!" - Zayn shouted.

"Sure." - Louis rolled his eyes and pulled me to his side. - "Hello everyone." - He waved at them from where we were standing, receiving some 'heys' from the whole group.

"Ocean?" - I whispered.

"Yes babe?"

"Give me a kiss."

Louis smiled and kissed me tenderly for a few seconds.

"So, Louis, how are my flower decorations going?" - Niall asked him, forcing us to break the kiss and causing me to groal.

"Tell Amelia they are perfect. Just like she asked." - Louis said, still clinging to my side.

"We need them done by Friday morning." - Niall added.

"Sure, buddy." - Louis said.

"Stop harassing Louis, let him do his job." - Liam said.

"Yeah, you're unbearable with the wedding, mate." - Nick said.

"He has been unbearable for the past six months. I don't know how Amelia tolerates him anymore." - Roman added.

"She must really love him." - Zayn concluded.

Niall rolled his eyes and kept talking to Louis.

"I need to make sure you have everything ready. The ceremony starts at 12 pm, and I pray that all of you get there in time."

"We know." - We all answered at unison.

"It has to be perfect."

"It will be." - We all answered at unison.

"Ugh, I hate all of you." - Niall sighed and collapsed on the couch next to Mitch.

"It's still amazing that they finally settled a date though, I thought he would never do it." - Roman said.

"I still can't believe we lost the bet." - Nick said.

"Me neither, I was sure those two were going to do it first." - Ed answered him, pointing at Louis and I.

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