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Mag 🦋

[ Harry's POV ]

Mitch's wedding was today and I was really nervous about making my toast.
I wasn't going to drink, that's for sure. I've made a fool of myself in two weddings because of alcohol, and I was not going to let it happen again.

I even told Niall to keep an eye on me.

I was Mitch's best man today, so I needed to be in my full senses.

When I got out of the shower, I heard my phone ringing, so I wrapped a towel around my waist and I rushed to pick it up.

'Hey mate.' - I heard Niall's voice coming from the other side of the line.

'Hey, I'm getting ready, is it urgent?'

'Yeah, it kinda is.'

'What is it?'

'Someone is going to be at your door in half an hour.'

'Who? What for?'

'Mmmmm, it's something Mitch arranged for the wedding, I don't know mate. Just be ready for it.'


'Good luck.' - Niall said and giggled after hanging up.

Someone at my door?
What the hell was that?

I looked at the clock. I needed to hurry.


When I was finishing with the ugly bow tie, I heard the doorbell rang.
I grabbed every item I would need for the rest of the day and headed to the entrance of my flat.

When I opened the door I froze.

There he was.

Louis holding a pink flower in his hand, matching the one on the pocket of his blazer.

Louis in a tuxedo.


"What are you doing here?" - I asked, still in shock.

"I came here to explain myself, and hopefully go with you to the wedding. If you take me." - He said.

I thought for a second.
I've been wanting this for over two months.

He could have come earlier.

"I don't have time right now, Louis. Please go."

"I won't leave until you hear me. Please listen to what I have to say." - He begged.

"I'm waiting for someone."

"That someone is me. Niall and I talked, he told me to come today, don't be mad at him. Or me. Please don't be mad at me. I need to explain."

He looked fragile like that, like he was giving his heart out to me. Like if he was struggling with himself.
And it made my heart melt.

Why are you so soft, Harry?

"Ok, fine. Make it short."

"Shit, okay. Harry, I did something wrong and I should have told you sooner.
I had a girlfriend until a couple of weeks ago and I actually didn't know I was into guys until I met you. So I was a bit confused about everything you made me feel.
I broke up with my girlfriend to be able to give everything of me to you. I decided it, and I want you, no one else but you.
I can't stop thinking about you even if I try, I keep replaying every second we spent together and it was magical, everything about you is magical, and I want to have that all the time, I don't want you to hate me or be mad at me because I won't forgive myself for being the asshole I've been.
I was scared of coming here all this time, I know I kept you waiting, and damn I'm so sorry, I wish I hadn't, because now I'm seeing you standing there all beautiful and I just want to kiss you and never let you go. Now I'm just rambling, damn this looks much easier in the movies. What I'm trying to say is that I'm so sorry for disappearing, I'm sorry for not deciphering how I felt about you sooner. And I'm just here to let you know that I'm yours if you take me."

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