Emilys POV.

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Emily's POV

Me and Luke walked side by side in a comfortable silence.

"Where are we going?" I asked, finally giving in.

"I don't know." He replied with a wink.

"You obviously do know otherwise we wouldn't have been walking for this long." I said stopping to sit on the grass and rub my feet.

"No, I'm not kidding, I have no idea. I just wanted to spend time with you." He mumbled shyly. I looked up at him as he held out his hand to help me up. I grabbed and pulled as hard as I could so he ended up on the ground next to me.

I looked around seeing we were in the middle of nowhere, with only three houses in sight. I couldn't see anyone else and I laughed.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know that either." He smiled looking up at the sky. "Hey, that cloud looks like a dragon." He laughed lying down in the grass. I turned my head so I could look at him. He pointed upwards.

"And that one looks like a bird." He laughed even harder. I looked where he was pointing and giggled. There were no clouds in the sky.

He kept on making things up as I just stared at him. Okay, that sounds creepy I know, but he was gorgeous.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" He whispered, turning his whole body so he was facing me, slightly moving closer.

"You're just.." I stopped and blushed.

"I'm what?" He asked confused. I turned my body around and faced him, making the gap between us even smaller.

"Perfect." I whispered so quiet I wasn't sure he heard. Our bodies were so close I could feel the heat radiating off him.

"I'm far from it." He whispered back and closed the gap between our lips.

I hadn't gotten use to this yet, how sweet Luke was. And his kisses were like heaven.

He quickly rolled on top of me and I smiled. I loved when he got dominant. I sat up to meet his lips again as he slowly pushed us down. He pinned my arms above my head as he bit my lip firmly. I let out a soft sigh.

"Kids these days, have no dignity." I heard a faint voice say.

"They need to learn some respect." Another one said a bit louder. We both pulled away to see two woman walking their dogs towards us. I burst into laughter quickly followed by Luke.

He jumped off me and helped me up, pulling me close, connecting our hands, just to annoy the woman further.

"They think its funny." One of them exclaimed, obviously shocked.

Luke and I laughed even harder, holding each other up as we walked in the direction they were coming from. As we got close to them Luke stopped laughing. I stopped shortly after.

"Ladies." Luke said, in a voice deeper than his own, nodding his head a little. Again, we lost it. The women scowled at us and walked past.


We stopped by the gate outside my house and he pulled me close.

"I had a great time." He breathed into my ear.

"Come inside." I said quietly.

"Okay." He said smiling and walking in front on me, leading me to my house. I giggled, knowing that's what he wanted. My dad opened the door and grinned at me.

"Em, Luke, hi."

"Hey dad."

"Hello sir." Luke said formally. My dad just laughed.

"Please don't call me sir, ive told you before, it makes me feel old. Call me andrew, pretend I'm your age." He said trying to be funny. Luke laughed politely and I sighed.

"Dad, stop."

"Ashton and Calum are here." My dad told us before walking away from the door and going into the kitchen. We walked into the living room and saw them sitting on the couch.

Calum shot up an gave me a quick hug. I hugged him back and he moved onto Luke, tackling him to the floor. Ashton stood awkwardly next to the couch.

"Oh come on Ash."

He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me. He buried his face in my hair as I was quite a but shorter than him. His breathing slowed and he felt relaxed. We stood there for a few more seconds than necessary as Luke and Calum got off the floor.

Calum coughed. We both jumped back. I glanced at all their faces.

Calum looked annoyed, like there was something he couldn't quite figure out.

Luke was uncomfortable. Well I would be if that happened with him and his friend Jodie.

But Ashton was the worst. I took one look at his face and felt my eyes fill up with tears. He looked heartbroken. Like a baby that had had its favourite toy from them. Why he looked like this I'm not sure, but I wanted him to smile. Be the happy Ashton he usually was. Ashton gave Luke a small hug before I made a note in my head to find out what had happened as we all sat down on the couch.

I vaguely felt Luke's arm wrap around me as I drifted into a light sleep, troubled with my thoughts.

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