Emilys POV.

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I took a deep breath and walked into Calum's, knowing what I had to do. A door shut from somewhere else in the house. Luke took my hand and lead me to the living room. We sat down and looked at each other.

"Hey." Luke face broke into a smile. I tried to give one back. My attempt was poor.

"What's up Em?" He asked cautiously. Ashton walked through the doorway.

"Hey." He said emotionlessly. I faked a smile towards him as well before he joined the other two boys in the kitchen.

"Emily?" Luke took both my hands in his and gently squeezed them, urging me on. His gaze connected with mine and our eyes were locked.

"Can you be completely honest with me?" I asked so quietly I wasn't sure if he had heard.

"Of course, ask anything."

"Why did you make Ashton tell me?" Luke understood what I was asking straight away. He finally broke our gaze and looked at the floor.

"Emily, I... I just..." He stopped himself and took a long, deep breath. He looked up into my eyes.

"Emily, Ashton's in love with you. Obviously." He chuckled nervously. "You are the most beautiful girl in the world and I couldn't let anything in your life be ruined by me. I wanted you to have a choice. Between me and Ashton. But I wanted it to be fair. Because I would rather you have happy with someone else, than unhappy with me. I love you too much."

He had said he loved me for the first time. My brain stopped. I could think of nothing except that 'L' word that kept coming up. My mind snapped back into it. Luke's stare was full of emotion and it broke my heart because I'm sure mine was too.

"So?" Luke questioned. I blinked, he wanted me to choose between him an Ashton.

Luke, the boy I'd known for a few years. Luke, who I'd had a crush on for most of the time i'd known him. Luke, who I had started dating, much to my excitement. Luke, who took me out on cute little dates. Who snuck into my room at night, who texted me good morning or good night and who had just told me he loved me.

But my heart flew right past that, much to my dismay. Ashton was my best friend, had been for years. We had shared so much. And I knew, if I turned him down, we wouldn't even be friends anymore. But that wasn't the reason my heart kept screaming his name.

Ashton, with the stubborn personality, dirty mind, cute hair, weird feet always had a special place in my heart and it was growing bigger by the second.

"It's not me is it?" Luke's eyes started to moisten, his hands shaking. My head moved in the slightest, as if to shake my head. My mind screeched at me for the decision my body made. Luke's face broke for a second before he put a brave one on. He let go of my hands and stood up, fixing his clothing.

"Luke.." I started, but he stopped me.

"Don't, I understand. It's okay Emily." His voice shook. I pulled him into a tight hug, breathing in his scent one last time, tears running down my face. I kissed his cheek and pulled away.

"Um I should go..." I trailed off. "I'm sorry." I hiccuped. He just nodded then walked away. His arms went up to his face and I was guessing he was rubbing his eyes. He walked into the kitchen, taking one last glance at me, managing a small smile. I broke down completely

Tears poured down my face as my body shook. I made it out of Calum's house and property before I couldn't walk any longer. My brain was yelling at me to go back in and get him, but my heart was saying I had made the right decision.

My body crumpled to the ground as I leaned against Calum's fence, trying to breath deeply. I dont know how long I sat there. It could have been minutes or hours. The sun started to go down as my breathing evened out and my crying slowed. A shadow appeared near me. I hiccuped loudly as a body crouched down beside me. I jumped back a little bit to see Michaels face full of concern.

With a guitar in one hand and my arm in the other he pulled me to my feet and close to his body. I wrapped my arms around his chest and cried a few last tears into him. He started walking slowly and my crying stopped altogether.

"Let's get you home." He kissed my head as a friendly gesture and half- dragged me home.

(A/N Sorry, I just thought I should put Emily's POV of that. The next chapter, which I will try put up tomorrow or the next day, will be different. But the story's coming to an end soon. Sorry, but thank you for reading. :))

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