Emilys POV.

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Luke grabbed my hand as we neared Ashton in the corridor. It was getting closer to exams so there were less people moving around and more people in the classes revising.

"Hey man." Ashton smiled at Luke as we walked past. "Emily."

I smiled back at him as Luke gave him a quick nod and he was back to talking to his friends. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in.

"Well.." I trailed off.

"He acknowledged you." Luke stated. Mia and Josh were sitting down at our usual table in the cafeteria. I had never really talked to Josh, he usually sat with his friends. I was curious to see what he was like.

"Hey Em, Luke, this is Josh." Mia introduced us.

Luke was the first to speak. "You're in my maths stream right?"

"Yeah dude." He narrowed his eyes at Luke as he clenched his teeth.

"Oh Luke and Emily are dating." Mia said quickly.

"Oh." He relaxed. Luke turned to me and pulled a face before returning to his sandwich. Michael sat down next to me.

"Where's Ash?" He asked. Mia and Luke both gave him a look that he understood.

"Hey Michael, this is.." Mia started.

"Hey Josh." Michael grinned at him, being friendly as always.

"Oh you know each other." Mia giggled.

"Obviously not as close as you two are." Josh spat out.

"Babe, Michaels just my friend."

"Are you sure? Your face lit up when he walked over and you can't keep your eyes off him." Josh was getting angrier by the second. The rest of us sat uncomfortably on the other side of the table.

"Babe.." Mia tried.

"Fuck off." Josh got up to leave. Mia stop up with him and followed him out of the room, apologising for something she didn't even do. As soon as she was out of earshot, Michael moved to the other side of the table and grimaced.

"Glad that's over, that guys a douche." He laughed.

"What a dick." I said sadly. "Poor Mia."

"She doesn't have to go out with him." Michael said.

"You can't help who you like." Luke said beaming at me. I gave him a small smile.

You can't help who you like, I thought to myself.

Just then, Ashton walked over to our table.

"You might want to go talk to Mia." He directed at me.

"Oh thanks. Bye guys." Luke gave my hand a light squeeze before releasing it. I quickly glanced at Ashton and as I walked away I sighed. All I wanted to do was hug him.

I walked out of the door and immediately saw Mia sitting on the floor underneath her locker.

"Mia, you okay?" I asked worryingly.

"Yeah fine." She said wiping a tear from her eye.

"You know what, come on." I laughed as I pulled her up and linked out arms.

"Where are we going?" She asked as we walked right out of school.

"Girls day out. I'm sick of boys."

"Em, my mum will kill me."

"So will my dad, but they won't find out." I smirked as we walked out of the gates. I had never skipped school before and didn't know what my dad would think if he found out. Hopefully he wouldn't.

We walked down the street as she explained what happened with Josh to me.

"He gets a bit jealous." She said carefully.

"A bit? He was raging because you said hi to Michael."

"Emily, you don't understand, you have guys falling for you in every direction even if you dont think so. I'm not like that. If Josh likes me and doesn't want me to talk to other boys, I wont. I like him. Someone finally likes me back."

I looked at Mia. Like properly looked at her. She had shoulder length blonde hair, was quite slim with short legs. He had a pretty face, but she wasn't what you would call a natural beauty. But she was the most beautiful girl I know.

Sure, she had only gone out with a boy or two and I had gone out with quite a different bunch over the years. But she always doubted herself. And she was wrong about me.

"Okay." I said not agreeing. "What shall we do?"

"Let's get some lunch, I didn't have any. I'm starving."


I stuffed the shopping bags in my school bag and let myself into the house. My dads car was parked in the driveway which was odd, he wasn't usually home till later.


"Hey dad." I said nervously

"Nice day at school?" He asked, the phone sitting near him.

"Yeah, boring, but alright."

"Honey, I got a call from the school. They say you weren't there after first break." His voice cracked, like he was holding in anger.

"No I was." I lied.

"They asked all your teachers, you werent."

"I was at the sick bay, I didn't feel so good." I said slinging my bag off my shoulder and getting a drink. One of the shopping bags crackled.

"Oh." Was all he said. I didn't think he heard it so I left and sat in the living room. I heard my bag being unzipped and I tensed up.

"EMILY." His voice boomed through the house. I slowly walked back into the kitchen.

"Where did you get this stuff from then?" He asked angrily.

"Okay dad, Mia was feeling down so we skipped school and went shopping. It's the only time ever. I promise."

"Emily, you lied to me."

"I know." He grinned his teeth together.

"Did you think it was okay? Just to leave school?"

"I'm sorry." I hung my head.

"You're grounded. Two weeks."

"But dad!" I argued. I had never been grounded before.

"Emily, stop arguing with me or I will make it longer, do you understand? No more friends over or meeting friends outside of school. No Luke. Do whatever you want in school, but outside, you come home and straight home. End of." He yelled, walking into his room and slamming the door.

"Fuck you." I murmured under my breath regretting it instantly. It was fair I guess. I did something bad, I got punished.

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