Emilys POV.

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I walked out of Luke's driveway beaming. Now I only needed to talk to Ashton. I decided it would be easier to get it over and done with sooner rather than later so I walked over to his house.

15 minutes later and I knocked on his front door, waiting. I knocked again when I didn't get a reply. I guessed no one was home so I started to walk towards my house.

I was about halfway home before it started to pour down with rain.

"Ain't nothing gonna break my stride!" I half yelled into the sky. "Nobody gonna slow me down!" I laughed at myself.

The rain kept on coming and I was quickly drenched. I still had quite a while to walk home, so I stopped at a nearby park and sat under the slide, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I had three new messages.

'Mia: How'd it go girl?!'

I laughed and quickly text her back.

'Details tomorrow ;)'

The next message was from my dad.

'Dad: hey hon r u ok?'

'Coming home now.' I text back.

The last message made me laugh.

'Luke: are you getting wet?'

'You're disgusting!" I text. I got a reply straight away.

'Luke: cos it's raining gosh:)' I smiled at my phone like an idiot.

"Hey." A voice said from in front of me and I jumped in shock.

"Shit!" I yelled looking up. "Ashton! You scared me."

"I noticed." He laughed. His hair was soaked and stuck to his face, his clothes darker than usual. He'd obviously been out in the rain for a while too.

"Why are you sitting under a slide?" He questioned.

"Why aren't you?" I shot back giggling. He sat down quickly.

"Now answer my question." He smiled at me.

"I went to your house looking for you, but you weren't there so I started walking home. I'm just waiting for it to stop raining as hard."

"That's really funny, I was at your house waiting for you! Your dad had no idea where you were. You should probably text him or something."

"I just did."

"Okay." Ashton replied and we sat in a comfortable silence. But of course, I had to be the one to break it.

"Ashton.." I stuttered a little bit. "I want us to go back to normal."

"What do you mean?" He asked looking confused.

"I mean that ever since that party.."

"You feel like i've been acting differently towards you?" He interrupted. I nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry." He said. And I could tell he was.

"I dare you to be old Ashton again." I laughed.

"What a waste of a dare. But okay." He stood up and held his hand out to me. The rain had lightened and now it was just spitting.

"I had better go." I said. Ashton grabbed my arm as I walked away. He pulled me into a tight bear hug and sighed. "I really am sorry."

My mouth curled up at the corners and I hugged him back equally as hard. "It's okay."

He let go and I walked out into the light drizzle.

"BYE ASHTON!" I screamed the top of my voice. He turned his head and grinned at me. He shoved his hands in his pockets and I watched him walk away

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